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iRubric: Pick a Science Partner! rubric

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Pick a Science Partner! 
Rubric Code: ZB2X52
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Essay
  Exceeds Expectations

4 pts

Meets Expectations

3 pts

Approaching Expectations

2 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

1 pts


Exceeds Expectations

Includes information about the chosen scientist and their inventions/discoveries in great detail. Provided in student's own words.
Meets Expectations

Includes information about the chosen scientist and their inventions/discoveries with adequate detail. Provided in student's own words.
Approaching Expectations

Includes information about the chosen scientist and their inventions/discoveries with minimal detail. May or may not be in student's own words.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Little or no information about the chosen scientist and their inventions/discoveries provided. May or may not be in student's own words.

Exceeds Expectations

Response thoroughly explains why scientist was chosen and demonstrates a clear understanding of how their inventions/discoveries have affected modern life.
Meets Expectations

Response explains why scientist was chosen and demonstrates an understanding of how their inventions/discoveries have affected modern life.
Approaching Expectations

Response partially explains why scientist was chosen and may/may not demonstrate an understanding of how their inventions/discoveries have affected modern life.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Minimal or no explanation of why scientist was chosen and does not demonstrate an understanding of how their inventions/discoveries have affected modern life.

Exceeds Expectations

Response demonstrates that significant thought went into what the student and their science partner would achieve together.
Meets Expectations

Response demonstrates that some thought went into what the student and their science partner would achieve together.
Approaching Expectations

Response demonstrates that little thought went into what the student and their science partner would achieve together.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Response demonstrates that little or no thought went into what the student and their science partner would achieve together.

Exceeds Expectations

The piece begins with a hook or a lead that captures the reader's attention. The middle is logical and informative, and the end is appropriate and clearly wraps everything up.
Meets Expectations

The beginning, middle and end are obvious and easy to follow. They appear in a logical order and include the use of transition words.
Approaching Expectations

The beginning, middle and end are harder to identify and one or more may be missing. Transition words are missing.
Does Not Meet Expectations

The writing is unclear so that finding the beginning, middle and/or end is challenging. No transition words.

Exceeds Expectations

No errors or very few errors (0-4) in grammar, punctuation and/or spelling exist.
Meets Expectations

A few errors (5-9) in grammar, punctuation and/or spelling exist but piece is easy to read.
Approaching Expectations

Enough errors(10-15) in grammar, punctuation and/or spelling exist that reading the piece requires effort.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Enough errors (16 or more) in grammar, punctuation and/or spelling exist that reading the piece is very difficult or impossible.

Exceeds Expectations

Visual is provided and has a clear connection to the event presented within the written piece. Is attractive and colored.
Meets Expectations

Visual is provided and has a connection to the event presented within the written piece. May or may not be colored.
Approaching Expectations

Visual is provided, but has minimal detail and/or no connection to the event presented within the written piece. May or may not be colored.
Does Not Meet Expectations

No visual provided.


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