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iRubric: Drama Monologue Rubric, Revised

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Drama Monologue Rubric, Revised 
Rubric Code: U5BXW6
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Public Rubric
Subject: Humanities  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Monologue Skills List........

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3 pts



Vocal Skills....................

Easy to hear/understand
Diction is crisp and well delivered

Voice has "highs and lows" which create expression and emotion


.Difficult to hear- need to be brave and project!
.Clarity is an issue- work for sharper consonants more open vowels

.More "highs and lows" needed to make performance more engaging (or, less.....)

.Volume level generally good; Watch that ends of sentences do not drop too low

.Speech generally clear, watch ends of words for crisp consonants or_________________________________

.Vocal inflection present; continue to explore for maximum effect

.volume appropriate and even throughout

.speech is clear, crisp and all easily understood

.Inflection present and effectively used.

Speed is such that all words are understood, but appropriate to energy of chosen monologue.

Pauses are in place for dramatic impact and for audience to digest information as appropriate.

All words are pronounced accurately and it is clear actor understands their meaning


.Speed is an issue - too fast and or not enough pauses for audience to digest words - Relax!

.Study and look up words and practice so all are pronounced correctly.

Be sure to know all words' meanings!

.Pace and speed are pretty good, but more variations would make it more engaging.

.Some words are mispronounced or it is clear they are all not familiar to the actor. Stumbling over text indicates a lack of preparation?

.Pacing and speed are such that audience remains engaged and can easily follow storyline. Pauses in place to good effect as appropriate

.All words pronounced correctly and it is clear that the actor is comfortable with them and their meaning
Physical Skills....................

*Facial Expression
Effective and appropriate to topic and emotion of monologue. Varies throughout to help us understand character's thoughts and feelings.

Enhanced audience's understanding of storyline; natural and easy movements which are not stilted or too "theatrical" unless that's the effect wished. Varies throughout monologue to best effect.


.Facial expression did not vary during performance. Made it hard for audience to interpret the mood and emotions of the character. Suggest practicing in a mirror?

.Few gestures used, and did not reflect the emotions or energy of the piece. Don't be afraid - try a few things!

.Facial expressions present, but more of them or a greater variety will engage the audience and convey the meaning better

.Gestures used, but could use more variety

.Gestures used but could use some work; maybe they did not seem natural or easy, maybe too theatrical - watch yourself in a mirror.

.Conversational gestures can be difficult; watch people/actors to get some ideas

.Excellent facial expressions used which accurately reflected the mood and emotions of the piece and enhanced the character

.Gestures were expressive and helped to tell the story. They matched the mood/emotion of the character

*Staging/Body Language/Use of performance space
Actor stands, sits, moves as appropriate to engage entire audience and holds their attention throughout monologue.


.Not enough physical variation to keep audience engaged - Try to relax and maybe practice in a mirror

.Too much physical movement around the stage, it is a little distracting.

Other suggestions:

.Physical posture generally ok. Suggestions:

.It is clear this element has been considered and some physical staging is in place. Consider having someone watch and give input or review video to make decisions about where to go from here

.Staging and physical movement are effective throughout, natural and engaging. Movements seemed to fit the moment

*Eye Contact/Communication
Monologues are stories told directly to an audience, so eye contact will be appropriate. How much will depend on the topic and point of view of the actor, but some eye contact will be expected and encouraged.

Unconscious movements, fidgeting, "um"s or "uh"s or any other habit which might be distracting during an otherwise good performance. All


.Little eye contact (possibly staring at the floor, off to the side or above the audiences' heads or at the script if first reading). This is usually due to nerves - take a deep breath and be brave!

.Quirks noted:

.Eye contact present, but perhaps aimed at one point in the room or audience; be sure to look at everyone unless you intend to aim our focus at a certain point.

.Few quirks noted:

.Eye contact appropriate and effective

.No quirks noted

Vocal delivery has appropriate pauses, changes in variation of speed and inflection, along with physical movements, etc. which enhance the storytelling.

The combination of above items that leads to the audience being convinced that the actor is telling their own story.


.Monologue delivered with no pauses or with breaths in unusual places - the impression is someone reading or reciting rather than performing. Relax and practice!

.Performance not believable - yet! Don't be discouraged, keep trying!

.Some obvious planning with regard to pauses and methods of delivering lines with some pleasing results

.Some or much of the performance believable. Work for evenness so that the character is revealed throughout!

.Delivery is effective, with appropriate pauses and movements adding to the storytelling

.Performance is believable throughout.
Stage Presence, Preparation........

Actor successfully remains in character and is able to improvise their way through memory slips or other unexpected issues.

*Intro and Ending/Exit
Introduces self with confidence and appropriate "character". Acknowledges audience response in a situationally appropriate manner at end.

Has spent sufficient time preparing.


.Giggling, inappropriate eye-contact, or other evidence of breaking of character.

.Introduction lacking or forgotten due to nerves

.Exit not planned, audience applause not acknowledged or other area needing practice here.

.Lack of preparation is obvious - there is no substitute for preparation!!

.Actor makes clear effort to remain in character despite memory slips, and is somewhat successful, though some memory slips are not covered well.

.Introduction present, but still needs work.

.Exit fumbled, audience acknowledged but with some awkwardness. Keep practicing :-)

.Some preparation is evident

.Actor is at ease on stage and either has no memory slips or improvises so well the audience cannot tell

.Intro and Exit are handled with great skill and ease

.Preparation is clearly evident and sufficient

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