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iRubric: Student Participation/Cooperation Group Assessment rubric

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Student Participation/Cooperation Group Assessment 
Each member of the group will be graded based on their participation and cooperation contributed to the Project Adventure/Ropes Course group activities. In the boxes provided, write the name of each group member in the box that best describes his or her ability to work successfully in the group - from your POV only. Grade each member of your group for each category (4).
Rubric Code: TX4846X
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Category
  Proficient with Distinction

8 pts

Meets the Standard

6 pts

Partially Meets

4 pts

Does Not Meet

1 pts


Proficient with Distinction

Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in the group. A definite leader who contributes a lot of effort.
Meets the Standard

Usually provides useful ideas when participating in the group. A strong group member who tries hard.
Partially Meets

Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in the group. A satisfactory group member who does what is required.
Does Not Meet

Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in the group. May refuse to participate.
Work Time

Proficient with Distinction

Is always on task and is active in keeping the group on task.
Meets the Standard

Is usually on task and seldom strays to conversation outside of the task.
Partially Meets

Contributes to the group effort, but frequently strays to conversation outside of the task and/or actions sometimes make it difficult for the group to concentrate.
Does Not Meet

Is rarely on task and frequently strays to conversation outside of the task and/or actions are counterproductive to the group effort.
Working with Others

Proficient with Distinction

Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together.
Meets the Standard

Usually listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause "waves" in the group.
Partially Meets

Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team member.
Does Not Meet

Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player.
Completes Tasks -Work

Proficient with Distinction

Completes all required group work and routinely helps others complete theirs for the iMovie Project.
Meets the Standard

Completes all required group work for the iMovie Project.
Partially Meets

Completes most of the required group work for the iMovie Project.
Does Not Meet

Rarely completes most of the required group work for the iMovie Project.
Total Score

Proficient with Distinction

100 - 93 = A
Meets the Standard

92 - 85 = B
Partially Meets

84 - 76 = C
Does Not Meet

75 - 70 = D
69 or less = F

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