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iRubric: Developmentally Appropriate Practice rubric

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Developmentally Appropriate Practice 
Rubric Code: R3XX7A
Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Creating a Community of Learners

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4 pts


5 pts

Foster Relationships


Teacher do not see the importance of forming relationships with children and families.

Large class sizes make it very difficult for teachers to know children and families well.

Teacher devotes time and attention to those children who present challeging behaviors, while others are overlooked. Some children are repeatedly singled out for discipline. Others receive little attention because they are quiet or speak limited English.

Teacher is warm, caring, and responsive. They are encouraging to children and respectful to their families.

Teacher is warm, caring, and responsive. They are encouraging to children and respectful to their families. They come to know children well.

Teacher is warm, caring, and responsive. They are encouraging to children and respectful to their families. They come to know children well and make reaching out to families a priority.
Positive Interactions


Classroom is largely managed rigidly with little opportunity for interactions.

Children who need assistance forming relationships are not given teacher support. Teasing and rejection in teh classroom go unchecked, and procedures are not in place to deal with bullying.

Teacher rely heavily on a directive approach to classroom conflicts rather than hellping children learn conflict resolution skills.

Teacher models positive interaction with others and encourage prosocial behavior. All children in the class are provided opportunities to get to know and work with each other, and friendships are encouraged.

Teacher models positive interaction with others and encourage prosocial behavior. All children in the class are provided opportunities to get to know and work with each other, and friendships are encouraged. Teachers actively involve children in conflict resolution.
Social Aspects


Teacher include some children in the social aspects of the classroom.

Children who need assistance interacting with others lack support, resulting in social isolation. Interaction with children who have special needs is largely left to specialist.

Teacher includes some children in the social aspects of the classroom. For example, children with special needs and children with limited social skills are provided with resources and encouragement. Theachers act to promote a sense of poistive self-identify for all children in the classroom.

Teacher includes all children in the social aspects of the classroom. For example, children with special needs and children with limited social skills are provided with resources and encouragement. Theachers act to promote a sense of poistive self-identify for all children in the classroom.

Teacher includes all children in the social aspects of the classroom. For example, children with special needs and children with limited social skills are provided with resources and encouragement. Theachers act to promote a sense of poistive self-identify for all children in the classroom.
Activities Include All Children


English language learners cannot understand or take part in all classrom activities because teacher fails to make modifications or provide assistance to make their full pariticipation possible.

Teacher makes some modification to classrooom activities for ELLs but participation is limited.

Teacher ensures that all classroom activites includes modifications for ELLs.

Teacher ensures that all classroom activities includes modifications for ELLs and some children are participating.

Teacher designs all classroom activities to allow for the full participation of all children, including those who are not fluent in English.
Cohesive Community


The classroom environment and tone are rigid and diorganized.

The classroom limits children's interaction with one another. Childen are required to stay in their seats throughout much of the day.

Teacher acts to create a community of learners by establishing common ground in the classroom.

Teacher acts to create a community of learners by establishing common ground in the classroom. Children have opportunities to act as leaders and helpers with specific tasks.

Teacher acts to create a community of leasrners by establishing common ground in the classroom. Children have opportunities to aact as leaders and helpers with specific tasks; all children are given a chance to participate and are drawn into class activities in a variety of ways. Class meeting are used to solve and prevent problems and provide a forum for discussion.
Peer interactions


Teacher rely heavily on whoe-group settings, with children remaining at their places. There is little opportunity for peer interaction.

Teacher does not encourage children to work problems out independently or with peers.

A variety of opportunities for peer interaction are offered throughout the day and throughout the week.

Children work with partners as well in small-and whole-group situations. Teacher encourage peer-to-peer scaffolding and assistance when possible.

A variety of opportunities for peer interaction are offered throughout the day and throughout the week. Children work with partners as well in small-and whole-group situations. Teacher encourage peer-to-peer scaffolding and assistance when possible.
Respects Diversity


Diversity in the classroom is ignored, as is cultural variety in the larger society. Teacher does not make an effort to avoid presenting stereotypes in teh classroom and does not adequately intervene when teasing or rejection occurs. No thought is given to fostering positive self-identity.

Diversity is addressed but in ways that single out individual children in the classroom as respresentative of entire cultures or groups. This leads children to see themelves as outsiders to the class as a whole.

The class explores similarities and differences among people in ways that engender respect and appreciaton without singling out individual children.

Teacher respects the diversity of the classroom community, providing activities and initiating discussions that explore the cultures and language represented in both the class and the larger society.

Teacher respects the diversity of the classroom community, providing activities and initiating discussions that explore the culutes and language represented in both the class and thte larger society. The class explores similarities and differences among people in ways that engender respect and appreciaton without singling out individual children. The environment promotes all children's positive self-identity including cultural identity.
Promotes Community Involvement


No effort is made to build a sense of the group as a community or to link classroom matters to those of the larger community and society.

Some effort is made by the teacher to build a sense of group as a community and society.

Teacher promotes children's sense of community beyond the classroom.

Teacher promotes children's sense of community involvement beyond their classroom-in the school or center as a whole, the neighborhood, or town/city. For example, children make a sign to alert the other classes in the building about an ucoming event, collect clothing for a local shelter, take walks in the neighborhood, and note what shops and services are available to the local community.

Teacher promote children's sense of community involvement beyond their classroom-in the school or center as a whole, the neighborhood, or town/city. For example, children make a sign to alert the other classes in the building about an ucoming event, collect clothing for a local shelter, take walks in the neighborhood, and note what shops and services are available to the local community.



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