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iRubric: Self Regulation Assessment rubric

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Self Regulation Assessment 
NOTE: When children demonstrate various self-regulation skills (engage in the self-regulation process) is highly dependent upon a wide variety of factors, including the child’s developmental stage, environmental circumstances, and individual differences.
Rubric Code: R24B75X
Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Self-Regulation Assessment Rubric
NOTE: When children demonstrate various self-regulation skills (engage in the self-regulation process) is highly dependent upon a wide variety of factors, including the child’s developmental stage, environmental circumstances, and individual differences.

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts


4 pts


5 pts



- Alert during many daily activities

-Orients (e.g., turns, looks, reaches, moves toward) to sensory stimuli (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile)

-Will orient away from stressors (e.g., avert eye gaze when overwhelmed)

-Notices people/things in the environment

-Focuses attention for short periods of time

-Seeks and tolerates a variety of sensory experiences

-Begins to ignore distractions

-Increasing use of social-referencing (i.e., looks at caregivers for cues as to how to respond) - also noted under interaction

-Determines what to give/pay attention to, more focused but still for short periods of time

-More active role in selecting and shifting attention (some call this attentional control)

-Moves/transitions/shifts from one activity as desired or requested

-Consistently gets, keeps, and shifts attention as required/needed

-Pays attention to task or person despite internal and external distractions

-Keeps several things in their mind at the same time

-Greater attentional control for longer periods of time


-Uses self-soothing strategies when underaroused and over aroused (e.g., uses adult for comfort/closeness, familiar object like blanket or thumb)

-Prefers sameness, stability, predictability, familiar, and easy

-Reacts to sensory stimuli

-Makes effort to inhibit (stop) actions and behaviors; less reactionary

-Aims to regulate emotions during new and changing situations

-Responds to soothing and comfort from familiar adults

-Delays gratification for brief period

-Begins to resist impulses, including socially undesirable impulses (e.g., aggression, disobedience)

-Able to become calm; bring self under control

-Begins to be able to stop themselves and respond less on autopilot

-Stops one action before starting another

-Persists during tasks with reasonable demands

-Reflects on and talks about strategies to calm self, to delay immediate gratification, and to regulate arousal

-Increasingly able to stay regulated when exposed to someone else's stress

-Matches and adjusts the level of activity, volume of voice, complexity of talk for situation and others

-Expresses many different emotions (e.g., makes facial expressions,states emotions, laughs, cries, lowers/raises voice)

-Adapts to changes in demands and/or priorities

-Makes plans before taking action

-Moves and acts deliberately; stands back to read cues; empathizes


-Responds to familiar adult’s non-verbal communications (e.g., affect, tone, body language)

-Responds to familiar adult’s “bid” for interaction

-Plays a passive (responder) role during simple communicative and social exchanges

-Points to items of interest

-Pulls others to gain attention

-Plays simple interactive games

-Follows the lead of others and does what they are doing

-Engages in brief reciprocal interactions with adults/peers

-Experiments with cause/effect - becomes an initiator

-Takes action to engage with things/people in the environment (e.g., reaches, turns, seeks to influence)

-Uses cues from adults to know how to respond

-Follows situational/gestural cues in unfamiliar activities

-Turns to familiar adult for help with emotions

-Attempts to comfort others

-Imitates peers

-Initiates interactions with adults/peers

-Shares and exchanges social/communicative exchanges with adults/peers

-Shows affection toward adults/peers

-Engages in pretend play (e.g., takes on roles/identities with imaginary objects/people and reenacts events)

-Begins to understand the function of rules (i.e., expectations or regulations of behavior or language, written/spoken, at home, school, and in the community)

-Begins to take the perspective of others and demonstrate empathy

-Identifies/understands someone else's feelings

-Recognizes how to respond to others’ feelings (e.g., comforts others)

-Participates in new/changing situations

-Plays cooperatively with peers by sharing/exchanging materials, assisting, taking on jobs, roles, or identities that often lead to mutual benefit for all

-Internalizes (accepts, acts upon) societal rules (these are set and influenced by culture) - Note: Emerges along w/social-awareness and an understanding of reliance

-Plays games with rules; negotiates social situations with peers

-Takes on and begins to take into account the perspective of others


-Remembers how to activate familiar toys

-Remembers simple games or actions

-Recalls information immediately and with a context

-Remembers labels for objects/people/events not present; Labels emotions some of the time

-Remembers strategies that worked before

-Follows model; actions are often in imitation (e.g., imitates a task previously observed)

-Follows single and/or simple directions

-Recalls information on the same day (in the moment), without contextual cues

-Dramatizes remembered events

-Retells a familiar story when looking at pictures

-Labels emotions and feelings in self

-Recalls information from memory (e.g., retells a popular story, television episode, or movie plot)

-Understands, and uses/acts upon the information

-Follows routines and rules at home, school, and within the community

-Follows simple rules within games

-Knows personal information

-Knows the consequences of choices and actions

-Remembers, follows, and completes multi-step directions, including community rules

-Remembers sequences of words and numbers
Problem Solving


-Takes actions to maintain stability, regularity, and congruence

-Tries to get things out of reach and/or things that have gone out of sight

-Tries a number of ways to activate toys and get the attention of others (e.g., bangs, cries)

-Stops being interested in only what is familiar & prefers; seeks novelty and variation

-Uses vocalizations including single words and gestures to get help and/or attention

-Tries alternatives when first action doesn’t work and/or will adjust behavior to meet “goal”

-Practices, explores, experiments

-Seeks out activities that challenge (e.g., will choose even moderately hard activities where they may fail)

-Uses simple strategies to solve common problems

-Uses words, phrases, and sentences to get help and/or attention

-Begins to take an active role in decision-making and collaborative problem-solving (recognizes the problem, thinks of possible solutions, plans and carries out solutions)

-Takes action to get internal needs met (e.g., hunger, thirst, rest, comfort) and external needs met (e.g., wipe nose, wash hands, change out of wet socks)

-Uses more complex strategies to solve a common problem (e.g., negotiates, brainstorms, seeks input)

-Can begin to take the lead in decision-making

-Tries before asking for help; stays with a task even with distractions or increased complexity

-Considers alternatives

-More accurate take on social situations and conflicts

-Knows when to pick/choose/use different strategies

-Uses language to negotiate and compromise

-Evaluates the outcome (e.g., was the problem solved, was it fair and just, was the issue resolved)



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