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iRubric: Smiley Sixes Book Talk rubric

iRubric: Smiley Sixes Book Talk rubric

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Smiley Sixes Book Talk 
Rubric Code: P492A3
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Book Talk Presentation

Level 4


Very Good

Level 3



Level 2


Needs Improvement

Level 1



Did I Grab The Audience's Attention?
Introduction should include: An attention getter, title, author, illustrator (if applicable) and genre (type of book)


Creative Introduction. Wow! Sounds like a cool book. You grabbed the audience's attention. You included the title, author, and genre in your introduction.
Very Good

Interesting/Good Introduction. Your introduction did lack creativity and/or spark of excitement. Your introduction may have been missing one of the required guidelines (title, author, or genre).

You had an introduction but it did not grab the audience's attention. Your introduction was missing several of the required guidelines (title, author, or genre).
Needs Improvement

You introduced your book without an attention getter. Introduction was unclear and confusing. You were missing many of the required guidelines (title, author, genre).

Did I give a detailed summary of my book?
Summary should include: Characters, Setting, Problem, Main Events and/or Interesting Facts (Non-Fiction).


Your summary was very well organized and informative. You provided a lot of interesting information about the book's main events and/or facts. Your summary also included many important details about the characters, setting, and events.
Very Good

Your summary was mostly organized and informative. You provided a lot of detailed information about the characters, setting, and main events.

Your summary was somewhat organized. It lacked many details and information. It did not mention all of the story elements such as characters, setting, main events, or problem.
Needs Improvement

Your summary was unorganized-difficult to follow. It had little or no information about the story. Many of the story elements and details are missing from your summary such as characters, setting, main events, or problem.
Read Aloud:

Did I bring my book? Did I select a section to read aloud? Did I mention why I chose this passage?

Did I read it loud and clear?


You read a section of the book aloud to class. You set up the passage prior to reading. You read fluently and with correct intonation. Explanation was given for selection with great supporting reasons.
Very Good

You read a section of the book aloud to the class. Try to read more fluently next time. You might need to prepare more. Your voice level was appropriate.
Explanation was given for selection with good supporting reasons.

You read a section of the book aloud to the class. You could read more fluently next time. Practice and prepare before giving a Book Talk.
Explanation was given for selection with no supporting reason.
Needs Improvement

You seemed unprepared to read to the class. No explanation given for choosing this passage. You may have forgotten to bring your book.

Did I clearly explain my opinion of the book? Did I mention who would be interested in this book with supporting details?


You gave a detailed explanation about what you like/dislike about the book and who you would recommend this book to with three or more supporting details.
Very Good

You gave a sufficient explanation about what you like/dislike about the book and who you would recommend this book to with two supporting details.

You gave an incomplete explanation of what you like/dislike about the book and your recommendation was given with one supporting detail.
Needs Improvement

Your explanation was confusing or you did not give your opinion. You forgot to support your opinion in your Book Talk.
Oral Delivery: Voice/ Eye contact:

Did I use my notes or did I memorize my presentation?

How did I sound?

Did I make eye contact?


You spoke extremely confident. You were clear, fluent, and had great volume. You spoke with an expressive voice. No notes were used. You made great eye contact with your audience. Very enthusiastic. You're a real pro!
Very Good

You spoke confidently. You were clear, fluent, and had good volume. You seldom referred to your notes. You made eye contact with your audience. Pretty good job! You had some enthusiasm.

You spoke clearly but softly. You seemed a little nervous and lacked confidence. You had difficulty speaking fluently. You consistently referred to your notes. You rarely made eye contact with your audience. Hmm! Add enthusiasm.
Needs Improvement

Your audience could not hear you. You did not speak in a loud or clear voice. You seemed nervous and forgot to make eye contact with your audience. You read completely from your notes or you did no use notes and delivery was poorly executed. Did you know you had to report to us?

Did you make a connection?
text to self
text to text
text to world
Does this book connect with you on a personal level?
Can you compare this book to another?
Does this book relate to current events or issues?


Yes! You really related to the book. You made several connections with extensive detail.
Very Good

Yes! You connected to the book.You made several connections with some detail.

You connected to the book. You made one connection with unclear detail.
Needs Improvement

You had no connection to this book. Apply this reading strategy while reading. That is what good readers do!
Visual Aid:

Poster Elements:
Did I include the author and title?
Are my graphics recognizable?
Are my ideas creative and neat?
Are the mechanics correct?
Will someone want to buy my book?


Title and author stand out
impressively. The design of the poster clearly represents the message of the book. Graphics and words are impressive and grabs a viewers attention. It can be clearly read from a distance. Poster is original, creative and neat. Mechanics are correct throughout the poster. Everyone will want to buy this book!
Very Good

Title and author are present, somewhat clear. The design of the poster represents the message of the book. Graphics and words are readable from a distant and grabs a viewers attention. Poster lacks one of the following: originality, creativity and neatness. Few errors in the mechanics. Some people will want to buy this book!

Title and author are present, although not clearly. The design of the poster represents a limited message of the book. Graphics and words are difficult to distinguish from a distance and slightly grabs a viewers attention. Poster lacks two of the following: originality, creativity and neatness. Considerable errors in the mechanics. Few people will want to buy this book!
Needs Improvement

Title and/or author missing. The design of the poster is vague and does not easily connect to the book. Lacks originality or creativity or neatness. Graphics or words are difficult to see from a distance. More than four errors in mechanics are noticed. Book will not sell!


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