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iRubric: Story Board Rubric

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Story Board Rubric 
Create a storyboard based on a fairy tale or fable of your choice. Using 8 boxes illustrate the appropriate images to depict the essence of the fairytale or fable you have chosen. Each box must contain an illustration and some sentences to describe the scene.
Rubric Code: KXCA65B
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Story Board rubric
  Level 1


Level 2


Level 3


level 4


Originality and Creativity

Level 1

The storyboard does not describe the fairy tale or fable. The student has used little creativity and an insufficient amount of time was taken to complete each scene.
Level 2

The storyboard somewhat describes the fairy tale or fable. The student has used some creativity and little time was taken to complete each scene.
Level 3

The storyboard describes the fairy tale or fable. It is evident that creativity and time was taken to complete each scene.
level 4

The storyboard thoroughly describes the fairy tale or fable. It is evident that a lot of creativity and time was taken to complete each scene.

Level 1

This section of the story board is unorganized and confusing. There is no clear organization to the sequence of events and the story is hard to follow.
Level 2

This section of the story board and the sequencing of events are somewhat organized but, at times, it is vague and confusing.
Level 3

This section of the story board and its sequence are organized and easy to follow.
level 4

This section of the story and the sequence of events are logically organized in an orderly way and is easy to follow.

Level 1

Student has used less than six of the eight boxes provided. Each scene is poorly illustrated with no details and scenes do not include sentences which correspond to the illustrations.
Level 2

Student has used less than the eight boxes provided. Each scene is illustrated with little detail and not all scenes includes sentences which correspond to the illustrations.
Level 3

Student has used the eight boxes provided. Each scene is illustrated with detail and includes sentences which corresponds to the illustrations.
level 4

Student has effectively used the eight boxes provided. Each scene is illustrated with great detail and includes sentences which corresponds effectively to the illustrations.

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