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iRubric: Writing Rubric

iRubric: Writing Rubric

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Writing Rubric 
This scoring rubric will be used on all writing assignments and is based on the Georgia Writing Assessment.
Rubric Code: K245W2
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Writing Assessment Rubric

5 pts


4 pts


3 pts


2 pts


1 pts



Overall organizational strategy is appropriate to the writer's ideas and the purpose of the genre. Logical and appropriate sequencing of ideas with and across the paper. Introduction engages and set the stage, the conclusion gives a sense of closure. Logical groupings of ideas, and uses effective and varied transitional elements to link the parts of the paper, ideas, paragraphs and sentences.

Overall organizational strategy is appropriate to the writer's ideas and purpose of the genre. logical sequencing of ideas across the paper, introduction sets the stage and conclusion ends the peice of writing without repetition. Related

Overall organizational strategy is generally appropritate to the writer's ideas and purpose of the genre. clear sequence of ideas. Introduction and conclusion is clear. Related ideas generally grouped together. Transition link parts of the paper.

Organizing strategy is formulaic and/or inappropriate to the assigned genre. Minimal evidence of sequencing, may lack or have an ineffective introduction or conclusion. Unrelated ideas are grouped together, limited use of or repetitive transitions. Demonstration of competence limited.

No evidence of an organizing strategy, Unclear sequence of ideas, Lacks an introduction and/or conclusion. Ideas are not arranged in a meaningful order, or lacks transitions or inappropriate transitions and insufficient writing to determine competence in Organization.


Fully developed controlling idea, consistant focus, supporting ideas are fully elaborated and relevant, response contain specific examples and details.

Well developed controlling idea, consistant focus , Supporting ideas are relevant to writer's topic, respon contains specific examples and details.

Developed controlling idea, generally consistant focus, most supporting ideas are relevant to topic, some parts of paper are well developed, other parts partially developed, response contains sufficient information to address topic

Minimally developed controlling idea, limited focus on assigned topic, supporting ideas are general or under developed, not enough information to give a sense of completeness, some what off topic.

May announce the topic but no controlling idea, little or no focus, story development is lacking due to brevity of the response, or not enough response to determine competence, majority of detail irrelevant to genre.


Carefull crafted phrases or sentences create a sustained ton, varied, precise and engaging language, sustained attention to audience, consistent and appropriate voice, variety of sentence lengths, structures, and beginnings, a variety of genre strategies.

Langauge and tone are consistent with writer's purpose, word choice is precise and engaging, attention to audience in whole paper, consistent voice, sentence vary lin length, and structure, some genre strategies.

Language and tone are generally consistent, word choice is generally engaging, awareness of audience in whole paper, writer's voice is clear, some variation of sente length and structure, a few genre strategies.

Language and tone are uneven, word choice is simple, limited awareness of audience, minimal, inconsistant voice, little variaion in sentence length and structure, demonstration of competence limited.

Language and tone are flat, word choice is inaccruate, imprecise, or confusing, little or no attention to audience, no writer's voice, lack of sentence variety, insufficient writing to determine competence.


Clear and correct variety of sentences, correct usage in variety of contexts, correct mechanics in a variety of contexts, errors do not interfere with meaning.

a variety of sentences with correct end punctuation, correct usage with some variety but not all elements, correct mechanics with some variety, errors do not interfere with meaning.

variety of sentences with some errors in compound and complex sentence, generally correct usage with some errors, generally correct mechanics with some errors, few errors interfere with meaning.

Sentence structure is awkward, ind punctuation may be missing, minimal control in 3 parts of conventions strong in 2, some errors may interfere with meaning, competence limited by the brevity of response.

Frequent sentence fragments, run-ons, and incrrect sentences, lacking end punctuation, frequent and severe errors in usage and mechanics, errors may interfere with meaning, insufficient writing to determine competence.

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