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iRubric: Technical/Ethical Biotech Paper rubric

iRubric: Technical/Ethical Biotech Paper rubric

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Technical/Ethical Biotech Paper 
Rubric for a general education course in Biotechnology. Students describe the biotech product and discuss the ethics behind the use of the product.
Rubric Code: J6A99W
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Subject: (General)  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

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5 pts

Good/Above Average

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts

1 pts

Minimum 10 pages, 12 point Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins


All criteria for paper length were met.
Good/Above Average

Some slight modifications were made in order to "stretch" the paper, but the topics were adequately covered in the paper.

Obvious modifications were made to "stretch" the paper or the paper was just under 10 pages. The topic was not as thoroughly examined as it could have been.

Paper was obviously stretched to reach the 10 page length or was fewer than 8 pages. The paper was missing discussion on major topics.
1 pts


A single citation style was consistently applied. Sources for every non-original thought in the paper were cited.
Good/Above Average

A single citation style was consistently applied, but there were a few spots where the citation was omitted.

Citation styles may be mixed and inconsistent. Several non-original thoughts were not cited throughout the paper.

Citations were very few and far between. The reader may suspect plagiarism due to infrequent citations.
1 pts

Minimum of 10 distinct sources cited


At least 10 distinct sources were cited. Material was taken from highly reliable sources. Few, if any, uses of general interest sites such as Wikipedia.
Good/Above Average

At least 10 sources were cited, but some may not be considered distinct (multiple pages from a single website). Some sources may be questionable, such as the Wikipedia and blogs.

Fewer than 10 sources cited or the sources were not distinct. General interest sites heavily used.

Much fewer than 10 sources were cited. Quality of the sources is doubtful.
1 pts


Judicious use of figures throughout the paper. Figure captions were used, sources were cited. Figure was obviously related to the text.
Good/Above Average

Good use of figures, although some may be considered as "filler". Or, a figure should have been used but was not. Figure captions used but did not explain very well. Sources were cited.

Paper missing crucial figures or may have too many (filler). Figure captions and citations are incomplete.

Very few or no figures used, or way too many that their use as "filler" was obvious. Figure captions and citations are missing or highly incomplete.
Paper Organization
1 pts


Information flowed well from one paragraph to another. Only one main idea per paragraph. Reader could follow the technical descriptions and ethical arguments easily.
Good/Above Average

Generally only one main idea per paragraph. Structure of the paper was logical. Occasionally paragraphs did not transition well but was not bad enough to affect the reader greatly.

Some paragraphs contain too many topics. Transitions from one paragraph to another are rough. Overall the reader could follow the discussion, however.

Paper is illogical and disjointed. Reader is surprised by the topic of the next paragraph--no helpful transitions. Difficult to follow the discussion and arguments.
1 pts

Sentence structure, spelling, punctuation


Sentences well constructed. Very few spelling and punctuation errors.
Good/Above Average

Poorly constructed sentences are very rare. Some spelling and punctuation errors, but they do not distract the reader too badly.

Some sentences are poorly constructed. Spelling and punctuation errors appear frequently enough to distract the reader, but not enough to cause concern about the content of the paper.

Many sentences are poorly constructed. Frequent errors in spelling and punctuation that distract the reader and detract from the paper's validity.
Technical Portion
Production & Function
3 pts

How product is made or how the procedure is done, and what does it do in the body


Process is thoroughly described in the paper using step-by-step instructions and quality figures. Action in the body is clearly defined. No gaps in the process. Student has an advanced knowledge of the material.
Good/Above Average

Process is mostly described step-by-step, but some steps may be incomplete or missing. Action in the body is defined but may be somewhat unclear. Student comprehension is at the beginner level.

Some steps in the process are incompletely described or missing. Action in the body is unclear. Student comprehension is short of the level expected after 3 weeks immersed in the topic.

Several process steps are poorly described or missing. Student did not make much effort to research and process the technical information.
2 pts


All technical limitations to the product are described (errors in the assay, malfunction of drug, etc). Current status of the technology is clearly delineated from what we hope the product will do.
Good/Above Average

Some technical limitations are given, but not all. Overall the reader can distinguish between what the product can do vs. what we hope to do.

Little discussion of technical limitations. It may be difficult to distinguish between current state-of-the-art and future hopes for the technology.

Almost no limitations to the technology are presented. Reader is misled as to what the technology can do.
1 pts


Student has paraphrased technical information from the sources into his/her own words. Technical terms are all clearly defined. Student clearly demonstrates mastery of the technical information.
Good/Above Average

Student has paraphrased most of the technical information into his/her own words, but some is still quoted directly. Some technical terms may not be well defined.

Much technical information appears to be quoted from the source or just barely paraphrased. Few technical terms are defined by the student.

Technical information is barely processed by the student. Quotations and minimal paraphrasing are heavily used with very few terms defined.
Ethical Portion
Essential Arguments
3 pts


All arguments pro and con are presented in the paper with equal weight and respect. If arguments are technical, statistics and quantitative information are given. If arguments are moral, appropriate sources for beliefs are given.
Good/Above Average

All major arguments pro and con are presented, but one or two minor ones may be omitted. Views contrary to the student's views may not be given as much attention in the paper. Sources (statistics or moral) supporting or refuting the arguments are present but some may be missing.

All major arguments pro and con are presented with some minor omissions. Arguments are not given equal weight in some cases. Use of statistics or numbers for argument is used very little. Moral arguments are based on student's feelings rather than sources.

Major arguments pro or con are missing. Paper is obviously skewed towards student's viewpoint throughout the paper. Numerical reasoning omitted, moral arguments derived solely from student's feelings.
1 pts


Thesis is clearly stated and is easily determined early in the paper. Support of the thesis is obvious by the end of the paper.
Good/Above Average

Thesis is clearly stated but may not be apparent early in the paper. Support of the thesis is obvious by the end of the paper.

Thesis may be ambiguously stated but can be derived from overall paper structure. Support of the thesis is apparent by the end of the paper.

Thesis difficult to determine or absent. Reader vaguely knows the author's conclusions about the technology by the end of the paper.
Weighing Arguments
2 pts


Arguments in favor of thesis are strongly supported using factual and moral reasoning. Arguments opposed to the thesis are dismantled based on factual and moral reasoning. Logical progression is clear.
Good/Above Average

Arguments in favor of the thesis are supported using factual and moral reasoning, but support is lacking in some respects. Arguments opposed to the thesis are discredited based on factual and moral reasoning, but some opposing arguments may be insufficiently addressed.

Not all arguments are addressed sufficiently (supported or discredited). Reasons for supporting or opposing an argument are generally sound but insufficiently supported by research or logic.

Arguments supporting or opposing the thesis are generally weak and insufficiently supported. Some arguments are illogical and poorly constructed.
Limits and Alternatives
2 pts


Student clearly delineates how the technology should or should not be used. If the technology should be restricted in some way, the suggested limits are practical and compassionate. If the technology should go forward, student suggests an appropriate direction.
Good/Above Average

Student delineates how the technology should or should not be used but reasons are vague (i.e., what constitutes "medically necessary?") Suggested limits may be somewhat impractical or lacking in sensitivity to human needs or desires. Overall desired direction of technology is stated.

One major element is missing to this criterion: how technology should or should not be used, reasons for this, limits, and direction. Reader vaguely knows where the student wants the technology to go.

Insufficient limits or alternatives are suggested if the student is opposed to the technology. Little to no direction is proposed if the student is for the technology.

  • biotechnology, ethics, technology, Christian worldview



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