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iRubric: Instructional Goals Rubric

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Instructional Goals Rubric 
Rubric Code: J24WB9
Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Guarenteed and Viable Curriculum
  fully implemented

4 pts

mostly implemented

3 pts

beginning implementation

2 pts

not implemented

1 pts

Benchmarks are posted and shared

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Learning objectives/goals are poste

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Course/Unit Organizers are posted a

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
curriculum is aligned with district

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Explicit Instruction
I do portion of instruction is pres

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
We do portion of instruction is pre

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
you do portion of instruction is pr

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
comprehension checks and monitoring

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Data Driven Instruction
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Differentiated Instruction
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Student Engagement

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Enter Title

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented
Students knew and understood work p

fully implemented
mostly implemented
beginning implementation
not implemented



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