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iRubric: Hero PowerPoint Presentation Rubric

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Hero PowerPoint Presentation Rubric 
This rubric is meant to help guide in the creation of your PowerPoint presentation project. Review the rubric carefully before, during and after the creation of the PowerPoint presentation, to ensure that all intended elements of your powerpoint have been represented and all other criteria have been met.
Rubric Code: HX8W26B
Ready to use
Public Rubric
Subject: Computers  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12

Powered by iRubric Grading Rubric

All requirements met

20 pts


Most requirements met

15 pts


Many requirements, but shows minimum effort

10 pts


Bare minimum requirements met.

5 pts

40 %


Students begin with a template. Slides are attractive. Text is easy to read. Graphics and effects are used throughout to enhance presentation. There are 8+ non-copyrighted images that were copied from the internet. Sentence structure consistent throughout. Correct table set up. Table is attractive. Bulleting or numbering throughout where ever appropriate.

Students begin with a template.
Slides are attractive. Text is easy to read. More than half of the slides use graphics and effects to enhance presentation. There are 6-8 non-copyrighted images that were copied from the internet. Sentence structure mostly consistent throughout. Correct table set up. Table is attractive. Bulleting or numbering used but not where appropriate.

Student did not begin with a template.
Slides are easy to read. Amount of text is too great for the amount of space provided. Less than half the slides have graphics or effects. There are 3-5 non-copyrighted images that were copied from the internet. Sentence structure not consistent throughout. Table is not set up correctly. Table is attractive.

Student did not begin with a template.
The slides are not easy to read. The amount of text is too great for the space provided. There is little use of graphics or effects. There are either LESS than 3 non-copy-right images OR copyrighted images were used. Sentence structure not consistent throughout. no table or it is set up haphazardly. No bulleting or numbering.
20 %


All required slides included with correct information.
Topic is discussed clearly and in an organized manner. Quotes/Testimonials used. Content is paraphrased and NO content is plagiarized. Scripture included with correct source. Student made connection between background and heroic deeds.

All required slides with relevant information.
Topic is somewhat discussed but more information is required. Quotes/Testimonials used. Content is paraphrased and NO content is plagiarized.
Scripture included with correct source. Student did not make connection between background and heroic deeds.

Missing some slides or relevant information.
Topic is slightly discussed but more material is needed. Some possible or borderline plagiarism is noted. No Scripture included with correct source. Student did not make connection between background and heroic deeds.

Many slides missing or less slides OR slides do not contain relevant information.
Topic is addressed but not discussed or elaborated on. Plagiarism is obvious.
No scripture included with correct source. Student did not make connection between background and heroic deeds.
+5 or less
Spelling and Grammar
10 %


Spelling, capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the presentation. There are no grammatical errors. There are no spelling errors.

There is less than 3 capitalization, spelling/grammatical error on the presentation.

There are less than 5 spelling/grammatical errors on the presentation.

There are many spelling/grammar or mechanical errors on the presentation.
Advanced Features
10 %


Student used TWO advanced features. (Music, voice over, short video, transitions or animations.) They are integrated well into project.

Student used TWO advanced features. (Music, voice over, short video, transitions or animations.) Advanced features are not smooth or don't well but student attempted.

Student use ONE advanced features. (Music, voice over, short video, transitions or animations.) It is integrated well into project.

Student did not use advanced features. (Music, voice over, short video, transitions or animations.) Or, features don't work properly.
Use of Class Time
10 %


Used time well during the class period. Focused on getting the product done. Never distracted others.

Used time well during the class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others.

Used some of the class time well during the class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others. Project not completed on time.

Did not use class time to focus on project OR distracted others. Reminders were given. Project not completed on time. Or not completed at all.
15 %


TWO (2) or MORE websites are cited either with a copied link or website name. Information is obviously taken from references.

TWO (2) or MORE websites are cited either with a copied link or website name. Information seems to not come from these websites. Or, websites are inaccurate.

ONE websites are cited either with a copied link or website name. Information seems to not come from these websites. Or, websites are inaccurate.

ONE or NO websites are cited either with a copied link or website name. Information seems to not come from these websites. Or, websites are inaccurate. Student used "google" as a "source."
Extra Credit
10 %


Voice Over, short video, additional graphic elements such as shapes, additional slides.
1-10 additional points

  • Powerpoint Presentation Rubric

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