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iRubric: Book Cover rubric

iRubric: Book Cover rubric

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Book Cover 
Design a new cover for the book you read. Include the title and author's name on the front, the theme and message on the inside flaps, and a summary on the back.
Rubric Code: H6224A
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Reading  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Book Cover
  Original and Insightful

4 pts

Clear and Straightforward

3 pts

Limited and Over Generalized

2 pts

Unfocused and Unclear

1 pts


Original and Insightful

The title and author are both included and correctly spelled and capitalized and located on appropriate places on the book, and
summary includes 8 or more sentences and includes the main events of the story.
Clear and Straightforward

The title and author are included and correctly spelled or capitalized. They are located in an appropriate location, but it may be difficult to read, and/or
summary includes 2-4 sentences that talks about the story, but may not summarize the main events.
Limited and Over Generalized

The title and author are misspelled, not capitalized and are not located in a logical location, or may be illegible, and/or summary is less than 8 sentences and does not accurately summarize the story.
Unfocused and Unclear

The title and/or author are not included/properly visible; the summary is too vague and does not provide the reader with any details about the plot or characters.

Original and Insightful

An illustration is included that is not copied from the book and shows a main idea or main character from the story. The illustration shows effort through both complexity of drawing or technology. The book cover shows an original idea.
Clear and Straightforward

An illustration is included that has not been copied from the front cover. It has to do with an event in the story, but it is not an important event. The illustration shows effort, either through complexity of drawing or through technology.
Limited and Over Generalized

An illustration is included that has nothing to do with the story or has been copied off the front of the book.
Unfocused and Unclear

No illustration has been included.

Original and Insightful

The theme and message were identified and explained properly with use of evidence from the novel. Only 1-2 spelling or grammatical errors were found and sentence structure was correct.
Clear and Straightforward

The theme and message were identified but not adequately explained. 3-4 spelling or grammatical errors were found and most sentence structure was correct.
Limited and Over Generalized

The theme and message were incorrectly identified. 5 or more spelling or grammatical errors were found and/or few sentence structures were correct.
Unfocused and Unclear

The theme and message were not identified at all.

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