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iRubric: Families in Canada Oral Presentation rubric

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Families in Canada Oral Presentation 
Presentation on a specific social issue of the student's choice, connected to the family. This will test the student's comprehension of class concepts, communication, and creativity.
Rubric Code: BXBB7WW
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Public Rubric
Subject: Social Sciences  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Independent Novel Oral Presentation

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts

Need Improvement

1 pts




The topic is clearly identified and introduced. Student provides clear explanations. An extensive amount of information is covered. Student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the social issue they chose. A wide array of evidence is gathered. They are able to make a clear argument. The student incorporates a lot of his or her own ideas. The student can answer the teacher questions. They have used credible and trustworthy sources. Counter-arguments are also talked about.

The topic is identified and introduced. Student provides good explanations. A good amount of information is covered. The student shows a good understanding of the social topic they chose and can make an argument. There is some incorporation of the student's ideas. Student can answer the teacher questions pertaining to their topic and provide explanations. Sources are good.

The topic is identified and introduced. Student struggles a little bit to provide clear explanations. There is an adequate amount of information. Some student ideas are present. The student shows some understanding of their social topic/issue but they struggle with answering questions. The sources are somewhat okay.
Need Improvement

The topic is somewhat identified but is too broad or vague. Explanations are limited or absent. The information seems vague and and there has not been much effort to research the topic. Lack of evidence. The student has trouble expressing their topic. The student does not incorporate their own ideas. The sources are not great but some are acceptable.



Information is presented in a logical and interesting sequence. The audience can easily follow the flow of ideas. There is no confusion at any point during the presentation. It is evident that the student has practiced the presentation prior to class.

Information is presented in logical sequence. The audience can follow the flow of ideas. It is clear that the student has practiced the presentation prior to class.

Some information is presented in sequence. The audience has difficulty following the flow of ideas. It is unclear whether the student has practiced the presentation prior to class.
Need Improvement

Information is not sequenced or presented in a logical manner. The audience cannot follow the flow of ideas. It is unclear whether the student has practiced the presentation prior to class.



Student constantly looks at the audience. Student rarely or seldom looks at notes during the presentation. Student speaks at an appropriate volume. Loud and clear.

Student occasionally looks at the audience during presentation. Student occasionally looks at notes during the presentation. Student's volume is acceptable.

Student rarely looks at the audience during the presentation. Student frequently looks at notes. Student has some issues with volume.
Need Improvement

Student does not attempt to look at the audience. Student reads notes most of the time. Difficult to hear or understand.
Visual Aid



Student uses an appropriate visual aid. The visual is purposeful and adds to the overall presentation. It is creative and captures the audience's attention. A lot of effort was put into creating it.

Student uses an appropriate visual aid. It is interesting and good effort is put into it.

Student uses a visual aid. The visual aid helps the overall presentation but lacks creativity. Some effort is put into it.
Need Improvement

Student does not use a visual aid or the visual aid looks rushed, with little effort.



Project has extremely creative and original ideas. Truly showed the student's creative talents.

Project has several creative and original ideas. Most aspects of the project demonstrated some level of creativity.

Project has some creativity and original ideas. However, most elements were not the student's ideas.
Need Improvement

Project has little to no creative and original ideas. Student only presents information that is not theirs.

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