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iRubric: Measures of Excellence in Technical Presentation rubric

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Measures of Excellence in Technical Presentation 
scoring measures of excellence which characterize technical communication in a given context (scenario)
Rubric Code: A4XW4A
Public Rubric
Subject: Vocational  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Scoring Rubric
Measures of Excellence in Technical Communication

1 pts


2 pts

Very Good

3 pts


4 pts


the presentation provides truthful and helpful information to the reader


All the information provided in the presentation is untrue and meant to mislead readers.

Some of the information provided in the presentation is true and helpful to the reader. However most of the information is meant to mislead and misinform the reader.
Very Good

Most of the information provided in the presentation is true and helpful to the reader. However at least one concept of the information provided is misleading.

All the information provided in the presentation is true and helpful to the reader. There is no misleading information in the document.

the presentation produces information that conveys a meaning the reader can understand easily


The topic or meaning of the presentation is not clear and there is

The topic or meaning of the presentation is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information.
Very Good

The topic or meaning of the presentation is clear but the supporting information is general.

The topic or meaning of the presentation is clear and well supported by detailed information.

the facts and/or concepts provided in the presentation are valid


None of the facts and/or concepts or most of the facts and/or concepts in the presentation are valid.

Most of the facts and/or concepts in the presentation are valid.
Very Good

Almost all the facts and/or concepts in the presentation are valid.

All the facts and/or concepts in the presentation are valid.

the presentation provides background information and sufficient details


None of the details or most of the details provided in the presentation are not sufficient to the reader's understanding of the meaning/purpose of the document. There is no background information provided so that rlisteners unfamiliar with the topic can understand it.

Most of the details provided in the presentation are sufficient to the reader's understanding of the meaning/purpose of the document. There is some background information provided so that listeners unfamiliar with the topic can understand it.
Very Good

Almost all the details provided in the presentation are sufficient to the reader's understanding of the meaning/purpose of the document. There is background information provided so that listeners unfamiliar with the topic can understand it.

The presentation provides sufficient details on the concept, including background information, so that all categories of listeners can understand the meaning/purpose of the document.

the information provided in the presentation is made up of independent sections


None of the presentation or most of the document is not made of small, independent sections. None of the various parts or most of the various parts of the presentation are not accessible to all types of listeners.

Most of the presentation is made of small, independent sections. Most of the various parts of the document are accessible to all types of listeners.
Very Good

Almost all of the presentation is made of small, independent sections. Almost all of the various parts of the document are accessible to all types of listeners.

The presentation is made of small, independent sections. The various parts of the document are accessible to all types of listeners.

the presentation contains no unnecessary phrases and uses efficiency of words.


Most of the presentation contains unnecessary phrases and unnecessary long words. The presentation uses no or limited efficiency of words.

The presentation contains some unnecessary phrases and unnecessary long words. Some of the presentation uses uses efficiency of words.
Very Good

The presentation contains few unnecessary phrases and unnecessary long words. Most of the presentation uses uses efficiency of words.

The presentation contains no unnecessary phrases, unnecessary long words, and uses efficiency of words.
Professional Appearance

The presentater is organized and is gracious toward the listeners.


The presenter is NOT organized. The presentation is poorly constructed and the presenter is not appreciative of the listeners' time.

Most of the presentation is organized. The presentation is fairly well constructed and fairly appreciative of the listeners' time.
Very Good

Almost all of the presentation is organized. Almost all of the document is well constructed and and appreciative of the listeners' time.

The presenter is organized, and appreciative of the listeners' time.

The presentation adheres to proper enunciation, diction and industry terminology


None or most of the presentation does not adhere to proper enunciation, diction and industry terminology.

Most of the presentation adheres to proper enunciation, diction and industry terminology.
Very Good

Almost all of the presentation adheres to proper enunciation, diction and industry terminology.

The presentation adheres to proper enunciation, diction and industry terminology.

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