This portfolio provides an account of the experiences recieved as a student in Middle Tennessee State University's Nursing program. I did not know I wanted to be a nurse until my second year of college. I was really confused with what path I wanted to take in my life. I prayed for guidance. I was sitting one morning in a chemistry class, and God gave me an answer. I suddenly knew I was in the wrong major, the wrong career path, and I knew what was the right path. I quietly left and called my advisor. She helped me change my major to nursing. As I took my paperwork to the nursing building, I could not stop smiling. I knew I had made the right decision. I believe that everyone has a purpose; I know that part of my purpose in life is to be a nurse. I am excited to be a nurse and work with different people everyday, care for them, and help make them as healthy as possible. In short, Nursing is not just a job to me, it is my chosen career, my profession.