


This is the rubric you will be graded on for this WebQuest. At the conclusion of the WebQuest, each member in the group is to hand in their writing draft book. The answers to the questions will be graded as shown below in the rubric.

“C”- if all 7 components are complete:

  • Write about two characters in the first chapter of Boy Overboard
  • Write about why the two refugees, that you chose, decided to leave their homes.
  • Write about how the two refugees, that you chose, left their country.
  • Write about if you agree or disagree with what an Australian school kid says about refugees. Write why you feel this way.
  • Write two reasons why refugees are in detention.
  • Write about what you think it would be like to be in a detention centre.
  • Write how many refugees are currently in the world.
  • “B”- if all above 7 components are complete as well as extra components below:

  • Neat presentation
  • Correct spelling
  • Ruler used
  • Quotes added

    “D”- if not all of “C” components are complete:
  • If there are no explanations for why you agreed or disagreed with the Australian school kid
  • If you did not clearly explain what you think it would be like to be in a detention centre.
  • If there are answers to any of the questions missing
  • Rushed work, not concentrating









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