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Natalie Aydinel's E- Portfolio Website

Professional Commitment

  These experiences will impact what I will bring to the classroom because they have given me confidence, knowledge, creativity and an understanding of what teaching is really like. I strongly believe that books and lectures are great, but what really helps is observing others, and hands-on experiences. I believe all students are capable of learning, and a good teacher can reach out to every student's learning style. Through these experiences I have learned various methods and approaches to facilitate each student and be able to implement my lesson plans to include the visual, auditory and kinesthetic learner. Observing teachers like Mrs. Madison and Mrs. Clark has given me a variety of different techniques that I can use in my classroom, including: hands on, computer based learning, group learning, fun games and class discussion. This variety will enable me to be confident in my teaching style and to be a fun, positive influence on students that will enjoy their time learning. All of this knowledge would not have been possible without those experiences to guide me and impact what I will bring to the classroom.


Beginning Date: February 5, 2007

Ending Date: February 5, 2007

Grade: 6, 7 and 8

Number of children: 24

             I helped Mrs. Madison with grading papers and recording grades. I was handed a grade book and some papers that Mrs. Madison wanted me to record into her grade book. When I was done I recorded the grades into the computer. Even though I was originally disappointed with only grading papers this gave me an opportunity to familiarize myself with computer technology, and also gave me a small glimpse into how much grading a teacher really does.


Beginning Date: February 19, 2007

Ending Date: February 19, 2007

Grades: 6. 7 and 8

Number of children: 12

             In Mrs. Clark’s classroom, I helped two boys work on solving fractions, and how to multiply and divide them. They were eager to learn and they needed little assistance from me, just some coaching through some of the bigger problems. I then spent some time helping another student with her extra credit assignment. I could tell by her unenthusiastic approach that she needed encouragement. With a steady stream of encouragement she responded well, and finished her assignment. This boosted her self confidence, because she had a positive attitude for the remainder of the class period.


Beginning Date: March 9, 2007

Ending Date: March 9, 2007

Grade: 6, 7 and 8

Number of children: 30

           I was in Mrs. Madison’s classroom grading tests. I was already familiar with the computer, the students, and the grade book; this made it easy and efficient to record the test scores in both the grade book and the computer. After that, I began working with two students, helping them with their assignment folders. Later I helped students one-on-one and tutored a small group of math students and reviewed the previous day’s assignment. This homework was mainly word problems and I began by first asking the students if they had any questions. We then reviewed the homework that was assigned, and worked through each problem as a group. I supervised and made sure they stayed on task. Mrs. Madison and I began the after school Math Club where we both reviewed the past week’s lecture along with some one-on-one tutoring with students that needed extra help. After the Math club I then helped Mrs. Madison by grading some tests, and supervising children that were waiting to be picked up.


Beginning Date: March 23, 2007

Ending Date: March 23, 2007

Grades: 6, 7 and 8

Number of children: 10

            I was in Mrs. Clark’s classroom supervising ten children attending a Homework Club and detention. I spent a good portion of this time with the students helping them with unfinished homework. One student who I helped was working on a science assignment that involved making flash cards for all the planets, including facts on the back of each card. Unfortunately, she became disruptive to the class at one point, which I addressed immediately. I reminded her that she needed to finish her assignment and that disrupting the class was inappropriate behavior. I was able to keep a positive attitude and encourage her to keep going. This allowed her to finish the assignment. I felt this was a challenging day, and one that I felt gave me great knowledge and training on how to deal with negativity and disciplinary problems.


Beginning Date: April 9, 2007

Ending Date: April 9, 2007

Grades: 6, 7 and 8

Number of children: 7


            I was in Mrs. Clark’s room where I was in charge of seven children in the Homework Club. I stayed with the children helping them one-on-one and in groups to finish any homework that needed to be done. The club began at 3:00 and ended at 5:00, and after the students left Mrs. Clark came back and I spent the remainder of my time grading papers and stapling assignments for next day’s class.


Beginning Date: May 18, 2007

Ending Date: May 18, 2007

Grade: 6, 7 and 8

Number of children: 8

            I was in Mrs. Madison’s classroom where I helped students one-on-one in math and with late work. Later, I took a small group to the library where we reviewed assignments and looked over old homework that was not completed or was not understood. My interaction with the students kept them motivated and seemed to inspire them to achieve their own success. I was responsible for standing outside the door to monitor the hall until all the children had cleared. After school was out I graded tests and uploaded grades into the computer.


Beginning Date: January 25, 2008

Ending Date: January 25, 2008

Grade: 6

Number of children: 20

            I was in charge of Mrs. Madison’s 7th period class. I was expected to keep the students on task, help answer questions and discipline if necessary. In the second half of class there was an assembly and I took all the students quietly into the gym. During the assembly I reminded them periodically to be quiet and pay attention. After the assembly ended I had them return to class quietly. Since there were only two minutes left of class, I had the students pick up trash from the floor and push in their chairs. When the bell rang I excused them, and I stood outside the door monitoring the hall until all the children had cleared. When Mrs. Madison returned I helped her with grading some papers.


Beginning Date: February 18, 2008

Ending Date: February 18, 2008

Grade: 6

Number of children: 20

            During this experience I had the privilege of teaching a lesson that I had prepared myself for two of Mrs. Madison’s 6th grade math classes. I created my own lesson plan and the lecture was about fractions and how to add and subtract them. I used picture models of pizzas to explain how fractions work. I then had the class solve a few problems along with me. Most of the students engaged in the lecture, raising their hands to give answers to the problems. The last part of the lesson was a fun game where students would solve equations in front of the class on the white board. This was voluntary so that students who were shy could just work on the problem at their desk. As a reward for their voluntary actions I gave candy to those that participated. As a class we then solved the problems on the board. Finally, I handed a worksheet for them to take home and solve.


Beginning Date: February 18, 2008

Ending Date: February 18, 2008

Grade: 6

Number of children: 12

             I was in charge of two groups of students. Each group had four to eight students that needed special attention and assistance with late work. Many of the students had several missing assignments. I tried my best to go around to each student to supervise their work. I had one student in the second group that was giving me a hard time. I began disciplinary measures with a warning. I tried to engage him in the assignment by giving him some one-on-one help. However, he kept disrupting the group. Mrs. Madison noticed the behavioral problem and had him go out into the hall. I felt like I had tried to take care of the situation to the best of my abilities. I felt that I remained calm and was able to help the other students regardless of the disruptions. When both classes ended, I then stayed and helped grade some tests for Mrs. Madison.






