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Natalie Aydinel's E- Portfolio Website

Communication Skills


I have been volunteering at Eisenhower Middle School, in the after-school program and in the classroom for over a year, and in this time I have learned what being a teacher is really like. The process of listening is so important most people would rank it the highest form of communication. In the schools Math club where I tutor students in the fundamentals of algebra, it is very important to have good communication. Yet, I know that there has been many times that there has been ineffective communication. One form ineffective communication is ineffective listens or pseudo listens. Many of the children use this method. I can tell just looking at the student as they inattentively nodd their head, and when I ask them a question they look up as if they haven’t heard a word that I have said. Furthermore many of the students show little enthusiasm for learning math, but with some encouragement and a good communication climate they begin to gain confidence within themselves. Soon they are able to solve equations on their own with confidence. Communication climate is the emotional tone or the positive or negative way that people communicate in there environment. Most people’s environment creates an atmosphere that is either positive or negative, but the great teachers at Eisenhower seem to only have a climate is positive. When I’m teaching a student, I do all that I can to keep a positive communication climate. I try my best to be interpersonal and by doing this I have seen many children succeed under my tutoring. Because there is no greater high than that of a student’s success I have made it my main gaol to practive good communication skills, and this has allowed me to becoming a teacher that is able to communicate efficiently and positively to enhance my students learning.

