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Natalie Aydinel's E- Portfolio Website

Letter of Introduction


       Hello my name is Natalie Aydinel and I would like to take this time to introduce myself. For over ten years now, my career goal has been to become an elementary school teacher. What draws me into teaching are the qualities that children possess, such as innocence, an enthusiasm for life, their ability to have fun and be unpredictable, along with their curiosity to understand how things work in the world around them. There is no greater high than that of a student’s success, and through my volunteer work and student teaching with children, I know that becoming a teacher is my dream job. When I first came to this country from Poland, I had a language barrier to conquer, followed by dyslexia, a learning disorder. Many peoples’ prejudices have made it difficult for me to achieve success, and yet this struggle has given me a purpose, knowledge, and a passion that will allow me to help expand the knowledge of students in my classroom.      
          I am currently attending Everett Community College as a Junior, and will be graduating this Spring with an Associate in Arts and Science degree, with a GPA of 3.5. I am then planning to attend Western Washington University as a Sophomore in the Fall, majoring in Elementary Education, with a graduation date of 2010. I love all grade levels, but would prefer the early elementary grades.  
As a teacher I plan on reflecting on what I teach, always changing and evolving to better myself and my students. I will also keep up to date with technology like computers which can be a great tool in the classroom. I don’t believe in just using reward but sometimes rewards should be used as part a lecture. I believe that my philosophy of education promotes me as a more then capable teacher who is ever changing to better education students.