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Electronic Portfolio for William B. Doyle

About Me

    I am a second career teacher. After working in the automobile business for  18 years I decided to return to school and complete my education.  I had been a high school dropout and entered teaching to help students who are in danger of dropping out of school like I did.

     The first step for me was to earn my GED. I then went on to the Ulster County Community College and later transferred to SUNY New Paltz to complete my Bachelor of Arts in secondary education with a focus in social studies. I graduated with honors Magna Cum Laude with a 3.51 G.P.A.     

     I was fortunate in that I was able to immediatly find employment working with the at risk students I want to teach. Since graduating I have worked at three different schools in two different districts. This wo  different schools that serve this at risk population. I am currently senior teacher in a program that is in a satelite school. We are located on the campus of one of the participating district high schools. The administration and I developed the current program; I work as the site administrator. I team teach social studies and English to the students, and assist the Math and science teacher when he leads those classes.

     During my tenure in the automobile business I worked as a salesman, sales manager, finance manager and sales trainer. It was this last duty that renewed my earlier desire to teach. To be a teacher unlike any that I had ever had. I hated school as a young person, but I loved learning. I had continued to read and learn after droppingout of high schoolmade me begin to think about changing careers.  As trainer I was responsible for teaching the new recruits about the product, and how to sell it in a professional manner. In addition to these lessons I found myself teaching them how to read, do Math, and in three cases prepare for the G.E.D. exam. When that part of the training became the reason I got up in the morning to go to work I know it was time to change careers.

     Since changing careers I have done whatever was needed to help my students. I became involved in the Guardian Angels to meet them on their streets and let them know that I am interested in helping them succeed in life, not just in school. This approach has been very successful in showing the students the connection between school and the real world, a connection that many had never believed.

