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iRubric: Question Poem rubric

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Write a poem about a topic of interest to you. Incorporate the elements of poetry we discussed in class. Include at least 2 examples of figurative language. Grammar should be used correctly; if you use slang, the grammar should be appropriate for the topic.
Rubric Code: ZXC4947
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Question Poem
  Exceeding Standards

4 pts

Meeting Standards

3 pts

Approaching Standards

2 pts

Below Standards

1 pts


Exceeding Standards

Poem is creative and original. It is evident that the poet put thought into their words and uniquely conveyed their ideas and emotions.
Meeting Standards

Poem is thoughtful and creative. A couple of phrases or ideas could be better, but overall it is very well done.
Approaching Standards

Most of the poem is creative, but the poem seems rushed.
Below Standards

Poems appear to be thoughtless or rushed. Work is very repetitive, and ideas are unoriginal.
Use of Questioning

Exceeding Standards

Multiple questions are asked throughout the poem and responses are thoughtful and fit well with the tone and what is happening in the poem.
Meeting Standards

Several questions are asked throughout the poem and the responses are mostly thoughtful and fitting for the overall tone and what is happening in the poem.
Approaching Standards

A few questions are asked throughout the poem and some responses are thoughtful and fit the poem in terms of tone and/or what is happening in the piece.
Below Standards

There are little to no questions asked in the poem. There are few responses and/or they are not in keeping with the tone or what is happening in the poem.

Exceeding Standards

Proper use of English spelling and grammar is used consistently throughout each poem. Punctuation is utilized when necessary. There are no errors evident.
Meeting Standards

1-2 spelling or grammar mistakes are evident, but do not diminish the meaning of the poem. Punctuation is utilized when necessary.
Approaching Standards

The poet's intended meaning is confused by 3-4 spelling or grammar errors. Punctuation may be misused.
Below Standards

There are 5+ spelling or grammar errors, making the poems difficult to understand. Punctuation is used incorrectly.

  • Poem, poetry, middle school, writing



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