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iRubric: 3rd Grade Compare and Contrast Writing Rubric

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3rd Grade Compare and Contrast Writing Rubric 
Student friendly 3rd Grade Compare and Contrast writing rubric
Rubric Code: ZX84A86
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric 3rd Grade Writing Rubric

4 pts

Almost There

3 pts

Getting There

2 pts

Keep Working

1 pts



Remains focused on the topic.

Uses specific details to support the main idea.

Presents insight or unique perspective of the topic.
Almost There

Remains focused on the topic.

Uses general details to support the main idea.

Shows clear understanding of the topic.
Getting There

Generally focused on a main idea.

Has limited or unrelated details.

Shows limited understanding of the topic.
Keep Working

Digresses from main idea.

Has missing or irrelevant details.

Lacks understanding of the topic.


Includes an inviting opening.

Sequence is logical and effective.

Has strong transitions.

Has a satisfying conclusion.
Almost There

Includes recognizable opening.

Sequence is logical.

Has strong transitions that extend beyond a bland "First...Next... Finally" Structure.

Has a conclusion.
Getting There

Attempts an opening.

Sequence is brief or limited.

Attempts transitions.

Attempts a conclusion.
Keep Working

Begins abruptly, or has no opening.

Reflects no attempt to establish order.

Reflects no attempt at making transitions.

Ends abruptly or has no conclusion.
Word Choice


Uses various key compare and contrast words or phrases for every sentence.
Almost There

Uses key compare and contrast words or phrases in every sentence, but does not vary.
Getting There

Uses at least two compare and contrast words or phrases throughout the entire paragraph.
Keep Working

Only uses a single compare or contrast key word or phrase throughout the entire paragraph.
Sentence Fluency


Contains sentences that vary in beginning, structure and length.

Has a nice rhythm
Almost There

Contains some sentences that vary in beginning, structure and length.

Is fluent
Getting There

Contains limited sentences that vary in beginning structure and length.

Is somewhat fluent.
Keep Working

Contains simple, repetitive sentence beginnings, structure and length.

Has short, choppy sentences that bump the reader.


Uses correct capitalization.

Uses a variety of end and internal punctuation correctly (ex. apostrophes, question marks, commas)

Uses spelling that is always correct, on common words.
Almost There

Uses correct capitalization most of the time.
Uses correct end punctuation

Uses spelling that is usually correct, especially on common words.
Getting There

Uses inconsistent capitalization.

Uses end punctuation inconsistently.

Misspells common words.
Keep Working

Uses incorrect capitalization.

Uses incorrect end punctuation; or omits punctuation

Makes frequent spelling errors that significantly impair readability.
Comapre and Contrast


Compares or contrasts four or more details between two items, characters, or settings.
Almost There

Compares or contrasts at least 3 details between two items, characters, or settings
Getting There

Compares or contrasts at least 2 details between two items, characters, or settings.
Keep Working

Compares or contrasts only 1 detail between two items, characters, or settings.



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