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iRubric: The Business Model Canvas rubric

iRubric: The Business Model Canvas rubric

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The Business Model Canvas 
The Business Model Canvas, is a tool to describe how your organization creates, delivers, and captures value. (Business Model Generation, Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010). Using the Value Proposition and complete Business Model Canvas, produce proof that your ideas can work on a limited budget, manage involvement of investors, and reduce the risk of running out of money.
Rubric Code: Z248C7C
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Public Rubric
Subject: Engineering  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric The Business Model Canvas
* Business Decision Making Tool

10 pts


20 pts


30 pts


35 pts



Product / Service Idea
30 pts


Poorly considered and presented product that may not be practical in the market place. Little to no thought or consideration was put in to the product or service idea.

A creative product that is/ may be viable in the market place. Some thought was given to the product or service creation.

Well thought out, creative, and unique product that is viable to the market place. It is evident that extensive thought was put in to the product or service idea.

Very well thought out, creative, and unique product that is viable to the market place. It is evident that extensive thought was put in to the product or service idea.
1. Value Proposition
30 pts

* Customer's problems solving
* Customer Needs
* Key features of product match customers problems


* Vague specific customer problems cited and needs with lack of back up data to show market potential.

* Fails to articulate clear value propositions.

* Specific customer problems cited and needs with back up data to show market potential.

* Provides generic value propositions that are not well-tailored to customer segments.

* Specific customer problems cited and needs with extensive back up data to show MULTIPLE market potential.

* Articulates value propositions for most customer segments

* Specific customer problems cited and needs with extensive back up data to show MULTIPLE market potential.

*Clearly articulates unique value propositions tailored to each customer segment.
2. Customer Segments
30 pts

* For whom we are creating value?
* Most important target customer?


* Clear understanding of specific customers missing potential size of market.

* Fails to identify and describe customer segments accurately.

* Clear understanding of specific customers with potential size of market.

* Identifies some customer segments but lacks depth in describing their needs.

* Clear understanding of specific customers in MULTIPLE markets.

* Identifies and describes most relevant customer segments with some insights into their needs.

* Thoroughly identifies and describes all relevant customer segments with clear insights into their needs.
3. Channels
30 pts

* B2B
* B2C
* Specific Channels
* Alternative Channels


* Unclear B2B/B2C channel understanding.

* Missing specific channels and alternative channels.

* Fails to identify or justify channels adequately.

* Specific B2B/B2C channels of distribution with citations for each specific and alternative channels.

* Identifies channels but provides little justification for their effectiveness.

* Extensive research of B2B/B2C channels of distribution with citations for each specific and alternative channels.

* Identifies several channels, with some justification for their effectiveness.

* Extensive research of B2B/B2C channels of distribution with citations for each specific and alternative channels.

* Identifies and justifies multiple effective channels for reaching customer segments.
4. Customer Relationships
30 pts

* How to attract customer
* How to keep customer
* How to grow customer


* Missing steps to attract, keep and grow the customer.

* Missing understanding of needed relationship with customer.

* Fails to define strategies for customer relationships.

* Three part plan to attract, keep and grow customers with specific benchmarks.

* Clear understanding of the complete customer relationship needs.

* Defines vague or inappropriate strategies for customer relationships.

* In depth three part plan to attract, keep and grow customers with specific benchmarks.

* Specific understanding of the complete customer relationship needs.
* Defines some strategies for customer relationships, with partial appropriateness.

* In depth three part plan to attract, keep and grow customers with specific benchmarks.

* Specific understanding of the complete customer relationship needs.

* Defines clear, appropriate strategies for building and maintaining customer relationships.
5. Revenue Streams
30 pts

* How do we make money
* Revenue Model
* Pricing tactics


* A general understanding of the profit stream for the product/service.

* A partial revenue model based on customer segments. General pricing tactics for customer segment.

* Fails to identify or justify revenue streams adequately.

* Clear understanding of the profit stream for the product/service.

* A complete revenue model based on customer segments. Specific pricing tactics for customer segment.

* Identifies few revenue streams with limited justification and projections.

*Clear understanding of the profit stream for the product/service in MULTIPLE markets.

* A complete revenue model based on MULTIPLE customer segments. Specific pricing tactics for each customer segment.

* Identifies some revenue streams with justification and somewhat realistic projections.

* Clear understanding of the profit stream for the product/service in MULTIPLE markets.

* A complete revenue model based on MULTIPLE customer segments. Specific pricing tactics for each customer segment.

* Identifies multiple revenue streams with thorough justification and realistic projections.
6. Key Partners
30 pts

* Key Partners
* Key Suppliers
* Resource from partners and suppliers
* What are we giving key partners


* Incomplete of missing list of key partners, suppliers, resources required of each key partner.

* Key partners expected return missing or to general, from your side of the venture.

* Fails to identify or justify key partnerships adequately.

* A complete list of key partners, suppliers, resources required of each key partner.

* Key partners expected return from your side of the venture.

* Identifies some key partnerships with limited justification.

* An extensive list of key partners, suppliers, resources required of each key partner.

* Key partners expected return from your side of the venture with monetary value.

* Identifies most key partnerships with some justification.

* An extensive list of key partners, suppliers, resources required of each key partner.

* Key partners expected return from your side of the venture with monetary value.

* Identifies and justifies all necessary key partnerships in detail.
7. Key Activities
30 pts

* Required key activities
* Manufacturing?
* Technology?
*Supply Chain?


* Missing or general list of key activities without backup data on needs to achieve key activities.

* Missing detailed tasks for manufacturing, technology, supply chain and other activities specific to product/service.

* Fails to define or justify key activities adequately.

* List of key activities with backup data on needs to achieve key activities.

* Detailed tasks for manufacturing, technology, supply chain and other activities specific to product/service.

* Defines some key activities with limited justification.

* List of key activities with backup data on needs to achieve key activities for MULTIPLE markets.

* Detailed tasks for manufacturing, technology, supply chain and other activities specific to product/service.

* Defines most key activities with some justification.

* List of key activities with backup data on needs to achieve key activities for MULTIPLE markets.

* Detailed tasks for manufacturing, technology, supply chain and other activities specific to product/service.

* Clearly defines and justifies all essential key activities.
8. Key Resources
30 pts

* Financial
* Physical
* Intellectual property
* Human resources
* Other


* General list of resources needed with out citations for connecting with the resources, and and missing prioritization.

* Fails to identify or justify key resources adequately.

* Complete list of resources needed with citations for connecting with the resources, and sorted by prioritization.

* Identifies some key resources with limited justification.

* Complete list of resources needed with citations for connecting with the resources, and sorted by prioritization by MULTIPLE markets.

* Identifies most key resources with some justification.

* Complete list of resources needed with citations for connecting with the resources, and sorted by prioritization by MULTIPLE markets.

* Identifies and justifies all necessary key resources in detail.
9. Cost Structure
30 pts

* Critical Costs
* Fixed Costs
* Variable Costs


* Missing or general critical costs for product/service with out sources.

* In-complete list with detailed fixed and/or variable for a startup.

* Fails to detail or justify cost elements adequately.

* Explanation of critical costs for product/service with sources.

* Complete list with detailed fixed and/or variable for a startup.

* Details some cost elements with limited justification and relationship to key activities.

* Explanation of critical costs for product/service with sources for MULTIPLE markets.

* Complete list with detailed fixed and/or variable for a startup.

*Details most cost elements with some justification and relationship to key activities.

* Explanation of critical costs for product/service with sources for MULTIPLE markets.

* Complete list with detailed fixed and/or variable for a startup.

* Thoroughly details and justifies all cost elements and their relationship to key activities.
* 40 Minute Time plus questions
* Stick to specific topic
* Prepared documents for audience
* Presentation points are individually assigned for each presenter

10 pts


20 pts


30 pts


35 pts



Subject Knowledge
10 pts

* Launch Checklist
* Product
* Sources


Presenter does not understand their position on the Business Model Canvas, product knowledge. Presents a fragmented and inconsistent business model.

Presenter understands their position on the Business Model Canvas product knowledge, Presents a partially coherent business model with some inconsistencies.

Presenter has a complete understanding of "Business Model Canvas", product and customer segment. Presents a mostly coherent business model with minor inconsistencies.

Presenter has a complete understanding of "Business Model Canvas", product and customer segment. Presents a fully coherent and logically consistent business model.
Innovation, Creativity, and Script
10 pts

* Sequence Organization
* Transition
* Grammar/Spelling
* Innovation and Creativity


* Canvas design presentation out of sequential order, slide transition does not flow and proper grammar, spelling slide organization missing.

* Demonstrates little to no innovation and creativity in the business model.

* Canvas design presentation follows a sequential order, slide transition flows and proper grammar, spelling slide organization.

* Demonstrates limited innovation and creativity in the business model.

* Well thought out Canvas design, follows a sequential order, slide transition flows and proper grammar, spelling slide organization.

* All target referenced customer included.

*Demonstrates some innovation and creativity in the business model.

* Well prepared Canvas design, follows a sequential order, slide transition flows and proper grammar, spelling slide organization.

* Demonstrates high levels of innovation and creativity in the business model.
Presentation, Clarity, and Delivery
10 pts

* Presentation / Attire
* Verbal
* Graphics
* General


* Poor delivery, presentation not tying into canvas, not prepared for client presentation. Unable to respond to clients questions.

* Presents information in a disorganized manner, with poor or no visual aids.

* Presenters well practiced, canvas tided into presentation, and proper attire for the event. Thought out responses for client questions.

* Presents information with some clarity and organization, but visual aids are lacking.

* Excellent presentation skills and well practiced, canvas tided into presentation and proper attire for the event.

* Well thought out responses for client questions with data support for answers. Presents information in a mostly clear and organized manner, with good visual aids.

* Excellent presentation skills and well practiced, canvas tided into presentation and proper attire for the event.

* Well thought out responses for client questions with data support for answers. Presents information in a clear, organized, and professional manner, with excellent visual aids.

  • The Business Model Canvas

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