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iRubric: Persuasive Speech rubric

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Persuasive Speech 
This is a grading rubric for a persuasive public speech based on Monroe's Motivated Sequence, delivered without power point.
Rubric Code: Z23W8WC
Public Rubric
Subject: Communication  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Persuasive Speaking
  Failed to Complete

0 pts

Needs Improvement

1 pts


3 pts


5 pts

Topic Selection

Failed to Complete

The topic is not persuasive or is inappropriate in scope (either too broad or too narrow)
Needs Improvement

The topic is persuasive, but nothing is done to make topic relevant and interesting to audience.

The topic is persuasive; speaker only partially makes the topic relevant and interesting to audience.

The topic is persuasive and the speaker makes the topic relevant and interesting to the audience in every phase of the speech: intro, body and conclusion.

Failed to Complete

The speaker has no attention catching device, no understandable thesis, and no preview. Speaker does not establish credibility.
Needs Improvement

Speaker only slightly catches the audience's attention. Thesis is stated, but not clear. No discernible preview included. Speaker does not establish credibility.

Speaker catches the attention of the audience; thesis is stated. Preview is given, but not necessarily followed throughout the speech.
Credibility not established.

The speaker catches the attention of the audience and clearly states the thesis. Speaker's credibility is established Speaker includes a preview that is clear and follows it throughout the speech.

Failed to Complete

The speech has no discernible organization.
Needs Improvement

Speech has a somewhat logical order, but does not follow Monroe's Motivated Sequence.

Speech has a logical order, but does not include all the steps of Monroe's Motivated Sequence.

The speech clearly follows all the steps of Monroe's Motivated Sequence (Attention; Problem/Need; Satisfaction; Visualization; Call to Action).

Failed to Complete

Key ideas are not explained, or inadequately explained. Less than 3 main points. No transitions or internal summaries
Needs Improvement

Speech has less than 3 main points. Key ideas are explained. No transitions or internal summaries.

Speech has at least 3 main points. Key ideas are explained. Some transitions. No internal summaries.

Speech has at least 3 main points (problem, solution, visualization. Key ideas are clearly explained. Clear transitions and internal summaries between points.

Failed to Complete

Speaker does not use supporting materials (facts, statistics, quotations, etc) Speaker does not cite sources.
Needs Improvement

Speaker uses some supporting materials. Does not cite sources.

Speaker provides supporting material for main points but does not cite sources or cites less than 3 sources.

Speaker provides supporting material for all main points. Citation of at least 3 sources. Source material is appropriate for topic.

Failed to Complete

The speaker ends the speech abruptly and without finality. No discernible call to action.
Needs Improvement

The speaker ends the speech with a conclusion, but does not review main points, restate the thesis or have a sense of finality. No call to action.

Speaker ends the speech with a conclusion but is missing one of the following: review of main points, restatement of thesis, a sense of finality or call to action.

Conclusion includes restatement of thesis, review of main points and a sense of finality. Conclusion identifies and requests a specific action from the audience.
Vocal Delivery

Failed to Complete

Speaker uses no vocal variety; speaks in a monotone. Lack of enunciation. Mispronunciations.
Needs Improvement

Speech is understandable, but speaker uses too many vocal pauses (uhs or ums); words are used repeatedly (like, you know) words are mispronounced; Lack of enunciation

Speech is delivered in conversational manner with appropriate volume, vocal variety, rate and enunciation. Only isolated examples of vocal pauses or mispronunciations.

Speech is delivered in conversational manner with appropriate volume, vocal variety, rate and enunciation. Speech is free of mispronunciations and verbal pauses are not noticeable.
Eye Contact

Failed to Complete

The speaker lacks eye contact and reads speech directly from notes.
Needs Improvement

Speaker maintains only partial eye contact; mostly reads directly from notes

Speaker maintains eye contact throughout speech, but frequently reads from notes.

Speaker maintains consistent eye contact throughout speech, only occasionally glancing at notes.
Physical Delivery

Failed to Complete

The speaker uses gestures and movement that distract from the speech. For example: leans on a podium, chews gum, paces throughout the speech, plays with hair or jewelry.
Needs Improvement

Gestures and/or movements distract from speech, but there are moments of distraction-free delivery.

Gestures and/or movement are mostly free from distraction but do not add to the delivery of the speech.

Gestures and movements add to the delivery of the speech. Arm or hand movements are used deliberately to emphasize points. Nervous mannerisms are avoided.

Failed to Complete

No outline turned in.
Needs Improvement

An outline is turned in, but is not in correct format. Bibliography includes less than 5 sources.

Outline is turned in and in correct format. Bibliography includes less than 5 sources

Outline is typed and in correct format. Bibliography includes at least 5 sources



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