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iRubric: Metadata System Report rubric

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Metadata System Report 
Rubric for Metadata System Report for LIS 7010 Organization of Information
Rubric Code: YXB78A2
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Public Rubric
Subject: Social Sciences  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Metadata System Report Rubic
  Exceeds expectations (A- / A+)


90 pts

Meets expectations (B+/ B)

85-89 points

85 pts

Approaches expectations (B-


80 pts

Below expectations (C+/C)

79 pts

25 %

Situate the analysis.

Exceeds expectations (A- / A+)

- Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the industry/institution, conveyed the significance of the metadata system.

- Overview is clear and concise.
Meets expectations (B+/ B)

- Demonstrates an understanding of the industry/institution, adequately describes the significance of the metadata system.

- Overview is clear, but disorganized.
Approaches expectations (B-

- Demonstrates only a partial understanding of the industry/institution, inadequately describes the significance of the metadata system

- Overview is confusing and difficult to follow.
Below expectations (C+/C)

-No evidence of completion and/or concern about material or assignment
Metadata Identification
25 %

Identify metadata scheme, elements, and contents.

Exceeds expectations (A- / A+)

- Demonstrates sophistication of thought.

- Communicates clearly and follows a logical sequence.

- Understands and critically evaluates the schema in terms of identification, and its components.
Meets expectations (B+/ B)

- Presents sound points and argument.

- Communicates clearly and follows a logical sequence, with some minor lapses.

- Understands the schema in terms of identification, and its components, but does not fully evaluate all aspects of it.
Approaches expectations (B-

- Poorly-stated, vague arguments.
- Uses general terms and does not always follow a logical sequence.

- Does not understand the schema in terms of identification, and its components.
Below expectations (C+/C)

- Absence of any clear statement on the schema in terms of identification, and its components.
User Analysis
30 %

Informed discussion on usability of schema and its appropriateness for everyday users.

Exceeds expectations (A- / A+)

- Well organized with coherent structure

- Sophisticated transitional sentences, often develop one idea from the previous one or identify their logical relations. It guides the reader through the chain of reasoning or
progression of ideas.
Meets expectations (B+/ B)

- Shows a logical progression of ideas,
and uses fairly sophisticated transitional devices; e.g., may move, from least to more important idea.

- Some logical links may be faulty,
but each paragraph clearly relates to
paper's central idea.
Approaches expectations (B-

- No disconcernible structure, but central focus of paper still easily understood.

- Transitions are not in a logical sequence.

- While each paragraph may relate to central idea,
logic is not always clear.
Below expectations (C+/C)

Sloppy, disoriented manner
Supporting Evidence
10 %

External literature to support claims/analysis.

Exceeds expectations (A- / A+)

-Literature supporting author's claims exceeds minimum requirements.
Meets expectations (B+/ B)

-Literature supporting author's claims meets minimum requirements.
Approaches expectations (B-

-Literature supporting author's claims fails to meet minimum requirements.
Below expectations (C+/C)

- Paper does not incorporate Literature supporting author's claims.
10 %

Exceeds expectations (A- / A+)

-Paper follows formatting as instructed,
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

- Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.

- Citations used appropriately when necessary.

- Citations and bibliography correctly formatted.
Meets expectations (B+/ B)

-Paper mostly follows formatting as instructed,
Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.

- Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon or conversational tone.

- Citations are used appropriately.

- Citations and bibliography contain a few formatting errors
Approaches expectations (B-

-Paper does not follow formatting as instructed,

-Paper contains several grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.

-Language consistently lacks clarity, sentence structure may be wordy, unfocused, repetitive, or confusing.

- Not all citations that are necessary are provided.

- Citations and bibligoraphy contain numerous formatting errors. bibliographical format.
Below expectations (C+/C)

-Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.

-Impossible for the reader to follow thinking from sentence to sentence.

- Few, if any, necessary citations are provided.

- Bibliography is missing or incomplete

  • metadata report analysis

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