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iRubric: Final Term Assessment Rubrics for Grade IX (Senior - II)

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Final Term Assessment Rubrics for Grade IX (Senior - II) 
Adobe Photoshop
Rubric Code: YX266W4
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Public Rubric
Subject: Computers  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Adobe Photoshop
Grade 9 (Senior II)
  Below Expectations

0 pts

Needs Improvement

1 pts

Meet Expectations

2 pts

Applying brushes on canvas
15 pts

Does student able to apply given brushes (external) on newly created canvas to create an Outer Space Environment

Below Expectations

A student is unable to apply given brushes on newly created canvas.
Needs Improvement

A student is able to apply given brushes on newly created canvas to some extent.
Some of the provided brushes are missing or not used in artwork.
Meet Expectations

A student is able to apply given brushes on newly created canvas to a good extent.
All provided provided brushes are properly used in artwork.
Layer's Options
10 pts

Does student able to do the following:
1. Put all images on separate layer
2. Renamed all the created layers as per the image on it

Below Expectations

A student is unable to apply layer's options
Needs Improvement

A student is able to apply layer's option to some extent.
EITHER some of the objects (brush element) were put on separate layers and student renamed those layers
OR student only able to apply either (1) or (2)
Meet Expectations

A student is able to apply layer's option to a good extent.
Almost all the objects (brush element) were put on separate layers and all the layers are renamed according to the images.
Applying Image Transformation
10 pts

Does student able to transform all the images as per the need of given scenario?

Below Expectations

A student is unable to apply transformation option at all
Needs Improvement

A student is able to apply transformation option to some extent.
Not all objects (brush element) are transformed as per the need of given scenario.
Meet Expectations

A student is able to apply transformation option to a good extent.
All objects (brush element) are properly transformed as per the need of given scenario.
Colors and Creativity
10 pts

Does student able to put multiple colors and creativity to create an artwork like sample artwork.

Below Expectations

A student is unable to use multiple colors and no evidence of creativity is found on artwork.
Needs Improvement

A student is able to put multiple colors on objects creatively to create an artwork like sample artwork to some extend.
Meet Expectations

A student is able to put multiple colors on objects creatively to create an artwork like sample artwork to greate extend.
Student's artwork is look alike the sample artwork provided.
Saving file to PSD & JPG
5 pts

Does student able to save the artwork to both (PSD & JPG) formats?

Below Expectations

A student is unable to save an artwork at all.
Needs Improvement

A student is able to save an artwork in mentioned formats to some extent.
A student saved an artwork in only PSD or JPEG format.
Meet Expectations

A student is able to save an artwork in mentioned formats to good extent.
A student saved an artwork in both PSD & JPG format.

  • Adobe Photoshop


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