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iRubric: Digital Art 2nd Quarter rubric

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Digital Art 2nd Quarter 
Fine Art photography
Rubric Code: YC3668
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: ePortfolio  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Digital Art 2nd Quarter

100 pts

Very Good

98 pts


95 pts


90 pts

Needs Improvement

85 pts

1. Park Picture 1st B&W


This photo has a very wide range of value. There is a very strong, dynamic composition. The subject is a good choice. Overall, this is both a dramatic and a creative shot.
Very Good

This photo has a wide range of value. There is a strong, dynamic composition. The subject is a good choice. Overall, this is a dramatic and a creative shot.

This photo has a range of value. There is a good composition. The subject is a good choice. It would be improved through either more contrast, more diagonals, more interesting subject matter, etc.

This photo some range in value. It would be improved through either more contrast, more diagonals, more interesting subject matter, etc.
Needs Improvement

This photo would be improved through either more contrast, more diagonals, more interesting subject matter, etc.
2. Park Picture 2nd B&W


This image shows clear improvement from the first b&w park picture (if it was needed.) There is a clear range of value, a strong composition, and an interesting subject matter.
Very Good

This image shows improvement from the first b&w park picture (if it was needed.) There is a range of value, a strong composition, and an interesting subject matter.

This image shows some improvement from the first b&w park picture. There is a some range of value, a strong composition, and an interesting subject matter.

This image shows some improvement from the first b&w park picture. There is a some range of value, a strong composition, and an interesting subject matter.
Needs Improvement

This image shows little to no improvement from the first b&w park picture.
3. Park Picture Color w/text


This image was a good choice for the text. It has beautiful, warm Fall colors. The text is placed well and the font choice matches the quote. The quote is an appropriate choice and helps to enhance to photo.
Very Good

This image was a good choice for the text. It has warm Fall colors. The text is placed well and the font choice matches the quote.

This image was an a decent choice for the project. It has warm Fall colors. The text is placed well and the font choice matches the quote. It may have been improved through a better photo, font, or quote choice.

This image was an average choice for the text. It has warm Fall colors. It may have been improved through a better photo, font, or quote choice.
Needs Improvement

This image was not the best choice for the project. It does not have warm Fall colors. It may have been improved through a better photo, font, or quote choice.
4. Park Picture Color w/ no text


This color image is very strong because of the beautiful Fall (warm) colors, a very strong composition, an interesting subject matter, and it evokes a mood/emotional quality.
Very Good

This color image is strong because of the Fall (warm) colors, a strong composition, an interesting subject matter, and it may also evoke an emotional quality.

This color image has some good qualities because of the Fall (warm) colors, the composition, the subject matter, and it may also evoke an emotional quality.

This color image has some good qualities because of the colors, the composition, and / or the subject matter.
Needs Improvement

This image was not a good choice for the project.
5. Basketball logo design


The design is creative and meets all of the needs for the "client" (aka Mr. Forrester :) It is a professional looking image that could be used in "real life."
Very Good

The design is creative and meets all of the needs for the "client" (aka Mr. Forrester :) It is a strong image that could be used in "real life."

The design is creative and meets all of the needs for the "client" (aka Mr. Forrester :)

The design is creative and meets most of the needs for the "client" (aka Mr. Forrester :) It could be more creative or neat.
Needs Improvement

This design does not fulfill the requirements of the project.
6. Breast Cancer Shot


The image is very strong overall. The composition is very dynamic, the color choices are creative and effective, the mood is appropriate, and the shot is creatively taken.
Very Good

The image is strong overall. The composition is dynamic, the color choices are creative, the mood is appropriate, and the shot is creatively taken.

The image is fairly strong overall. The composition is strong, the color choices are creative, the mood is appropriate.

The image could be stronger overall. The composition is not dynamic, the color choices are not creative. It could be improved with more creativity.
Needs Improvement

The image is not dynamic, creative, or emotional at all.
7. Selfie with Textures


The finished image is very creative, expressive, clear, and colorful (if applicable.) The grid is at least 9 squares and each one is individually manipulated with a texture layer.
Very Good

The finished image is creative, expressive, clear, and colorful (if applicable.) The grid is at least 9 squares and each one is individually manipulated with a texture layer.

The finished image is somewhat creative, expressive, clear, and colorful (if applicable.) The grid is at least 9 squares and each one is individually manipulated with a texture layer.

The finished image is not very creative, expressive, clear, and colorful (if applicable.) The grid may or may not be least 9 squares and each one is individually manipulated with a texture layer.
Needs Improvement

The finished image is not at all creative, expressive, clear, and colorful (if applicable.) The grid is not at least 9 squares.
8. Still Life Shot


This image is a clear, focused shot of the subject matter. It is an original shot that clearly expresses a Fall theme. There is a strong composition, good color choices, and overall drama.
Very Good

This image is a clear, focused shot of the subject matter. It is an original shot that expresses a Fall theme. There is a strong composition and good color choices.

This image is a somewhat clear shot of the subject matter. It is an original shot that expresses a Fall theme.

This image is a somewhat clear shot of the subject matter. It is not original shot however.
Needs Improvement

This image is not a clear shot of the subject matter. It lacks focus, creativity, and drama.
9. Gun Poster Design


This image is a very creative depiction of a gun statistic. It is emotionally moving, dramatic, and appropriate.
Very Good

This image is a creative depiction of a gun statistic. It is dramatic and appropriate.

This image is a creative depiction of a gun statistic. It is dramatic and appropriate. It is a bit too sterile however. It needs more emotional expression.

This image is a depiction of a gun statistic. It is a bit too sterile however. It needs more emotional expression.
Needs Improvement

This image is not a creative depiction of a gun statistic. It is too sterile and needs more emotional expression.
10. Midwinters Dream Poster


This poster meets all the needs of the "client" and all the important information is clearly read. It is a beautiful image choice and could be used for professional purposes.
Very Good

This poster meets all the needs of the "client" and all the important information is clearly read. It is a good image choice and could be used for professional purposes.

This poster meets most of the needs of the "client" and the important information is clearly read. It could, however, be more beautiful or creative.

This poster meets only some of the needs of the "client" and not all of the important information is clearly read. It could also be more beautiful or creative.
Needs Improvement

This poster does not meets the needs of the "client" and the important information is not clearly presented. It is also not very beautiful or creative.
11. Pearl Harbor Text


The text applied to the image was done so in a very creative and effective way. The font choice was appropriate and the overall placement is very easy to read.
Very Good

The text applied to the image was done so in a creative and effective way. The font choice was appropriate and the overall placement is easy to read.

The text applied to the image was done so in a somewhat creative way. The font choice was appropriate and the overall placement is fairly easy to read.

The text applied to the image was not done so in a very creative way. The font choice was appropriate and the overall placement is fairly easy to read.
Needs Improvement

The text applied to the image was not done so in a very creative way. The font choice was not appropriate and the overall placement is not easy to read.
12. Snow Photograph


The photograph is very beautiful. It has a strong composition, a good range of color or value, and is an interesting subject matter. It also evokes an emotional and / or spiritual quality.
Very Good

The photograph is beautiful. It has a strong composition, a good range of color or value, and is an interesting subject matter.

The photograph is attractive. It has a strong composition, a good range of color or value, and is an interesting subject matter.

The photograph is attractive. It has a fairly strong composition, and some range of color or value. It lacks drama however, due to either weak color/ value or composition.
Needs Improvement

The photograph is not attractive. It does not have a strong composition or range of color/value.
13. Diversity Face


The directions were all followed. There are at least 10 squares. The placement of the squares creates a very strong composition. The face features are very well lined up. The border choice works very well.
Very Good

The directions were all followed. There are at least 10 squares. The placement of the squares creates a strong composition. The face features are well lined up. The border choice works well.

The directions were all followed. There are at least 10 squares. The face features are fairly well lined up. The border choice is distracting, however.

The directions were mostly followed. There are not 10 squares, however. The face features are fairly well lined up. The border choice is distracting, however.
Needs Improvement

The directions were not followed. There are not 10 squares. The face features are not well lined up. The border choice is distracting.
14. Christmas Card


The card is very funny, creative, and the technical skills (cutting & pasting) are very well done.
Very Good

The card is funny, creative, and the technical skills (cutting & pasting) are well done.

The card is kind of funny, creative, and the technical skills (cutting & pasting) are mostly well done.

The card is not very funny, creative, and/or the technical skills (cutting & pasting) could be improved.
Needs Improvement

The card is not funny, creative, and/or the technical skills (cutting & pasting) is not well done.

  • Photo shop, photography, Typography, Design.


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