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iRubric: Parody in Art rubric

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Parody in Art 
Create a parody of a famous piece of artwork using Roy Lichtenstein's style.
Rubric Code: XX9B289
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Parodiy in Art
  Level 1

10 pts

Level 2

15 pts

Level 3

20 pts

Level 4

25 pts

Parody- character

Level 1

The artwork does not explore the content of the artwork. The artwork does not show a parody of the masterpiece chosen by student. Less than 5% is changed.
Ben Day dots are used but the student failed at using a different sizes. Color choices missed the mark.
Level 2

The artwork partially explores the content of the artwork. The parody includes few changes to content of the original artwork. The artwork somewhat parodies the masterpiece. Less than 10% is changed. Ben day dots are used but the student tried to use the three different sizes. Color choices were o.k. but could have been more creative.
Level 3

The artwork mostly explores the new character of the masterpiece, including some changes to content and background. The artwork clearly parodies the masterpiece but does not change more than 15% of the original artwork. Ben Day dots were used and there were a variety of sizes. Color choices used were creative.
Level 4

The artwork fully explores the masterpiece including changes that keep the original artwork in tact so as the masterpiece is recognizable to the view. The parody creates a laughable but respected look at the masterpiece. There were a variety of Ben Day dots used in a creative way and color choices are amazing. Mrs. Mengers couldn't have done a better job herself!
Use of Media

Level 1

The student did not use their marker correctly by going in all different directions.
Level 2

The student used marker in some areas correctly but it looks a bit rushed.
Level 3

The student used marker correctly but in few areas the marker could have been used better.
Level 4

Wow, what an amazing show of media professionally.

Level 1

The student did not complete the project. The student had little focus and needed many reminders to focus. Did not take it home to work on to get the extra studio time.
Level 2

The student completed the project, but didn't focus. The student gave little effort. Project was taken home some and made very little progress on project.
Level 3

The student completed the project, but needed reminders to focus. The student gave some effort and took it home but doesn't make progress at home or school.
Level 4

The student completed the project with great focus. The student gave effort far beyond that required. The student was not reminded to take home the project to work, you are a fantastic artist and you care about your work!

Level 1

Student's work shows no attention to detail and technique. Student did not use materials safely and appropriately.
Level 2

Student's work shows little attention to detail and technique. Student used materials safely and appropriately at all times.
Level 3

Student's work shows some attention to detail and technique. Student used materials safely and appropriately at all times.
Level 4

Student's work shows great attention to detail and technique. Student used materials safely and appropriately at all times. The artwork has no signs of torn edges or wrinkles. Look at you go!!!!

  • mixed-media, Mona Lisa, artistic expression, collage, parody


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