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iRubric: 3 Day Diet Analysis rubric

iRubric: 3 Day Diet Analysis rubric

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3 Day Diet Analysis 
Students are to keep track of all food and beverages consumed for 3 days and enter the information into the Diet Analysis + program. Once information is entered, use reports to answer the following questions.
Rubric Code: XX588CA
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Public Rubric
Subject: Health  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Question 1- Diet
  Question 1- Diet

5 points


Question 1- Diet

4 points


Question 1- Diet

3 points


Question 1- Diet

2 Points


Question 1- Diet

1-0 Points


Question #1 - Diet Record

Print out report from the Diet Analysis + Program - 3 days total

Question 1- Diet

3 complete days
3 meals with each day
Beverages included with each meal
Question 1- Diet

3 complete days
2-3 meals each day
Beverages included with each meal
Question 1- Diet

3 days recorded
1-3 meals each day
Some beverages included
Question 1- Diet

1-3 days recorded with 1-2 meals with each day and beverages missing from meals
1-3 items per meal noted
Question 1- Diet

1-3 days recorded with 1-3 meals each day few if any beverages recorded
meals duplicated
1-2 items per meal noted
Question 2- Calories
  Question 2- Calories

5 Points


Question 2- Calories

4 Points


Question 2- Calories

3 Points


Question 2- Calories

2 Points


Question 2- Calories

1-0 Points


Question #2 - Calorie Needs

Discuss your calorie recommendation, your average calorie intake and if you continue to consume this.... will it cause you to gain or lose weight

Question 2- Calories

Correctly identify calorie recommendation
Correctly identify average calorie intake
Correctly discuss how difference in calorie intake will impact overall weight status
Question 2- Calories

Correctly identify calorie recommendation
Correctly identify average calorie intake
Discuss how difference in calorie intake will impact overall weight status with inaccuracy
Question 2- Calories

Incorrectly identifies either calorie recommendations or
average calorie intake
However correctly discuss how difference in calorie intake will impact overall weight status
Question 2- Calories

Incorrectly identifies either calorie recommendations or
average calorie intake
and incorrectly discuss how difference in calorie intake will impact overall weight status

Only list two of the three components including calorie needs, intake, and outcome
Question 2- Calories

Only list one of the three components including calorie needs, intake, and outcome.

Does not accurately discuss needs, intake or how weight will be impacted
Question 3 Nutrient Table
  Question 3 Nutrient Table

5 Points


Question 3 Nutrient Table

4 Points


Question 3 Nutrient Table

3 Points


Question 3 Nutrient Table

2 Points


Question 3 Nutrient Table

1-0 Points


Question #3 - Nutrient Analysis

Create a table listing the seven nutrients identified in the syllabus. For each nutrient identify your recommendation, your intake for day one, two, and three and your average intake for the three days. Make sure to include the units of measurement for each nutrient

Question 3 Nutrient Table

Table contains all seven nutrients with correct units of measurements
Correct intake for each nutrient is listed based on printouts from the Diet Analysis reports
Average intake for each nutrient is correct with correct units noted for each nutrient
Question 3 Nutrient Table

Table includes all seven nutrients some units of measurement missing or incorrect
Question 3 Nutrient Table

Table includes all seven nutrients some units of measurement missing or incorrect
Daily intake of nutrients / average intake missing or incorrect 1-2 times
Question 3 Nutrient Table

Table includes all seven nutrients most units of measurement missing or incorrect
Daily intake of nutrients / average intake missing or incorrect 3-4 times
Question 3 Nutrient Table

Missing nutrients or nutrient intake for individual days

Individual nutrient intake report or average
report of nutrient intake missing or incorrect 5-6 times
Question 4 Nutrient Effect
  Question 4 Nutrient Effect

25-21 Points


Question 4 Nutrient Effect

20 - 16 Points


Question 4 Nutrient Effect

15 - 11 Points


Question 4 Nutrient Effect

10 - 6 Points


Question 4 Nutrient Effect

5 - 1 Points


Question #4 - Nutrient Effects

Discuss each of the nutrients identified in the table (question #3). For each nutrient, identify your recommendation for that nutrient, your average intake for that nutrient, the conditions and symptoms of toxicity for that nutrient and the conditions and symptoms of deficiencies for that nutrient

Question 4 Nutrient Effect

Nutrient requirement and average intake is identified for each nutrient and is correct with units of measurement

Toxicity for nutrient is identified - disease state if applicable and the majority of associated symptoms

Deficiency for nutrient is identified - disease state if applicable and the majority of associated symptoms that were discussed in class
Question 4 Nutrient Effect

Nutrient requirement and average intake is identified for each nutrient and is correct with units of measurement

Toxicity for nutrient is identified - disease state if applicable and the majority of associated symptoms

Deficiency for nutrient is identified - disease state if applicable and the majority of associated symptoms

Missing 2-4 disease states or major symptoms that were discussed in class
Question 4 Nutrient Effect

Nutrient requirement and average intake is identified for each nutrient and is correct - units of measurements of units missing

Toxicity for nutrient is identified - disease state if applicable and associated symptoms noted

Deficiency for nutrient is identified - disease state if applicable and associated symptoms noted

Missing 5-7 disease states or major symptoms that were discussed in class
Question 4 Nutrient Effect

Nutrient requirement and average intake is identified for each nutrient is partial, may be missing or incorrect. Missing units of measurements

Toxicity or Deficiency for nutrient is missing or minimal with 8-10 disease states or major symptoms missing from the ones that were discussed in class
Question 4 Nutrient Effect

Nutrient requirement and average intake is identified for each nutrient is incomplete or missing no units of measurements noted

Toxicity and Deficiency for nutrient are missing many disease states and major symptoms with at least 11 conditions/ symptoms missing from the ones that were discussed in class
Question 5 MyPlate Table
  Question 5 MyPlate Table

5 Points


Question 5 MyPlate Table

4 Points


Question 5 MyPlate Table

3 Points


Question 5 MyPlate Table

2 Points


Question 5 MyPlate Table

1-0 Points


Question #5 - MyPlate Table

For each of the food groups (Grain, Meat, Fruit, Vegetable, and Dairy) Identify your recommended in the first column, your intake for day one, day two, day three in the following columns and your average intake in the last column. Make sure to include the correct units of measurement for each food.

Question 5 MyPlate Table

Table contains all five food groups with correct units of measurements
Correct intake for each food group is listed based on printouts from the Diet Analysis reports
Average intake for each food group is correct with correct units noted for each food group
Question 5 MyPlate Table

Table includes all five food groups some units of measurement missing or incorrect
Question 5 MyPlate Table

Table includes all five food groups some units of measurement missing or incorrect
Daily intake of foods / average intake missing or incorrect 1-2 times
Question 5 MyPlate Table

Table includes all five food groups most units of measurement missing or incorrect
Daily intake of food groups / average intake missing or incorrect 3-4 times
Question 5 MyPlate Table

Missing food from food groups or complete food group

Individual food group report or average
report of food groups missing or incorrect 5-6 times
Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients
  Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

25-21 Points


Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

20 - 16 Points


Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

15 - 11 Points


Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

10 - 6 Points


Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

5 - 1 Points


Question #6 - Nutrients in Food

For each food group listed in the table (Grain, Meat, Fruit, Vegetable, and Dairy) Identify your recommended amount per day, your average intake per day, and the nutrients that are found in that food group.

Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

All five food groups are discussed. Within each food group, discuss the recommended serving per day and the average intake with correct units of measurements.

Under each food group list nutrients that are found in that food group. Information to be obtained from the class discussions and notes.
Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

All five food groups are discussed. Within each food group, discuss the recommended serving per day and the average intake with correct units of measurements.

Under each food group list nutrients that are found in that food group. Information to be obtained from the class discussions and notes. Noted 3-5 nutrients missing
Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

All five food groups are discussed. Within each food group, discuss the recommended serving per day and the average intake units of measurements are missing/

Under each food group list nutrients that are found in that food group. Information to be obtained from the class discussions and notes. Noted 6-8 nutrients missing
Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

All five food groups are discussed. Within each food group, discuss the recommended serving per day and the average intake units of measurement are missing and recommendation or average intake is inaccurate.

Under each food group list nutrients that are found in that food group. Information to be obtained from the class discussions and notes. Noted 9-11 nutrients missing
Question 6 MyPlate Nutrients

All five food groups are discussed. Within each food group, discuss the recommended serving per day and the average intake units of measurement are missing and recommendation or average intake is inaccurate or missing.

Under each food group list nutrients that are found in that food group. Information to be obtained from the class discussions and notes. Noted 12+ nutrients missing
Question 7 Exercise
  Question 7 Exercise

5 Points


Question 7 Exercise

4 Points


Question 7 Exercise

3 Points


Question 7 Exercise

2 Points


Question 7 Exercise

1-0 Points


Question #7 Exercise DRI

Discuss your DRI for exercise and how you achieve or meet your DRI for exercise daily

Question 7 Exercise

Correctly identify the DRI for exercise and discuss how the DRI is met on a daily basis
Question 7 Exercise

Correctly identify the DRI for exercise and discuss exercise
Question 7 Exercise

Incorrectly identifies the DRI for exercise and discusses exercise
Question 7 Exercise

Does not identify the DRI but discusses daily exercise and how they meet their exercise needs
Question 7 Exercise

Discusses their day without discussing the DRI for exercise or their daily exercise activity
Question 8 Personal Change
  Question 8 Personal Change

25-21 Points


Question 8 Personal Change

20 - 16 Points


Question 8 Personal Change

15 - 11 Points


Question 8 Personal Change

10 - 6 Points


Question 8 Personal Change

5 - 1 Points


Question #8 - Areas of Change

Select three nutrients needing improvement from question #3
1. Identify the nutrient
2. Identify nutrient DRI
3. Identify your average intake for the nutrient
4. Discuss foods the nutrient is found in
5. Identify your recommendations for those foods from MyPlate, question #5
6. Identify average intake of food groups
7. Discuss Dietary Guideline that relates to the identified nutrient/ food group
8. Identify specific changes to improve your int

Question 8 Personal Change

Identify 3 nutrients that need improvement from question 3

1. state the DRI and average intake for the nutrient

2. Identify foods that the nutrient is found in

3. Discuss the MyPlate recommendation and average intake for the food group that the nutrients were found in

4. Identify and state a Dietary Guideline that corresponds to the food group that the nutrient was found in

5. Discuss specific changes that could be made to the die
Question 8 Personal Change

Identify 3 nutrients that need improvement - question 3

State the DRI and average intake

Identify foods that the nutrient is found in

Discuss MyPlate recommendation and average intake for food group that the nutrients were found in

Identify / state a Dietary Guideline that corresponds to the food group that the nutrient was found in

Discuss specific changes to the diet to improve the intake of that nutrient

Missing o
Question 8 Personal Change

Identify 3 nutrients that need improvement - question 3

State the DRI and average intake

Identify foods that the nutrient is found in

Discuss the MyPlate recommendation and average intake for food group that the nutrients were found in

Identify / state a Dietary Guideline that corresponds to the food group that the nutrient was found in

Discuss specific changes to the diet to improve the intake of that nutrient

Question 8 Personal Change

Identify 3 nutrients that need improvement - question 3

State the DRI and average intake

Identify foods that the nutrient is found in

Discuss the MyPlate recommendation and average intake for food group that the nutrients were found in

Identify / state a Dietary Guideline that corresponds to the food group / nutrient

Discuss specific changes to the diet to improve the intake of that nutrient

Missing one of the compo
Question 8 Personal Change

Identify 3 nutrients need improvement - question 3

State DRI and average intake

Identify foods that nutrient is found in

Discuss MyPlate recommendation and average intake for food group /nutrients

Identify / state Dietary Guideline that corresponds to food group

Discuss specific changes to the diet to improve the intake of that nutrient

Missing one of the components for all three nutrients and/or missing two or mo

  • Diet Analysis


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