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iRubric: Transitions Presentation Rubric

iRubric: Transitions Presentation Rubric

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Transitions Presentation Rubric 
Research your assigned Transitions topic. Submit one 8-10 page typed paper, double spaced, 12 point font following APA guidelines. Include a bibliography and abstract citing at least 5 resources used researching the paper. Paper will be graded on quality of research to support the topic, effective use of information gained through research, credibility of sources, content, grammar and mechanics, and bibliography (including evidence-based references). A study guide will be completed and emailed to Mrs. Paty one week prior to the presentation; the study guide will be posted on D2L. It is expected that the class audience will read the study guide and be prepared to participate and ask questions after the presentation. One presenter will be responsible for reviewing 5 sample NCLEX questions as a teaching strategy to educate the target audience.
Rubric Code: X922AX
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Public Rubric
Subject: Nursing  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Presentation Rubric

0 pts

Below Average

7 pts


8 pts


9 pts


10 pts

Points Awarded


Content Organization/Grammar

(Individually graded)


Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.

Student's presentation has four or more spelling/grammatical errors.
Below Average

Audience has significant difficulty following presentation because student's format frequently jumps around, loses his/her place in the presentation, or does not have notes/slides ready and organized for presentation.

Presentation has three misspellings/grammatical errors.

Audience has periodic difficulty following presentation due to student's occasional lapses in organization.

Presentyation has no more than two misspellings/grammatical errors.

Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow and which flows well with hand-outs and/or presentation slides.

Presentation has no more than one misspellings/grammatical errors.

Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow, and which is enhanced by a cohesive flow with well-organized handouts and/or slide print-outs.

Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.
Points Awarded
Subject Knowledge

(Individually graded)


Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject.
Below Average

Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions.

Student is able to answer some questions but frequently relies on faculty to provide answers to questions.

Student is at ease with expected answers to all questions, but fails to elaborate.

Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration.
Points Awarded
Graphics/AV Aids

(Individually graded)


Student uses only superfluous graphics or no graphics.
Below Average

Student frequently uses graphics that fail to support text and presentation with few which are relevant or enhance the presentation.

Student occasionally uses some graphics that fail to support text and presentation, but has several graphics which are relevant and enhance the presentation.

The majority of the student's graphics relate to text and presentation.

Student's graphics are relevent and serve to enhance, explain, and reinforce screen text and presentation.
Points Awarded
Elocution/Eye Contact

(Individually graded)


Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear.

Student reads all of report with no eye contact.
Below Average

Student's voice is consistently low. Student incorrectly pronounces numerous terms. Audience members have significant difficulty hearing and understanding presentation.

Student reads the majority of report with rare brief eye contact.

Student's voice is occasionally too low. Student incorrectly pronounces several terms. Audience members have some difficulty hearing or understanding presentation.

Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of report.

Student's voice is clear and understandable most of the time. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation.

Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes.

Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation.

Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes.
Points Awarded
Effective Use of Time

(Group grade)


Student does not cover at least 50% of assigned content or exceeds minimum or maximum alotted time by more than 10 minutes.
Below Average

Student has difficulty covering at least 50% of assigned content and exceeds minimum or maximum alotted time by 5 to 10 minutes.

Student covers 50-75% of assigned content or exceeds minimum or maximum alotted time by 5 to 10 minutes.

Student covers at least 75% of the assigned content in an organized and unhurried manner within the alotted timeframe.

Student thoroughly covers assigned content in an organized and unhurried manner within the alotted timeframe.
Points Awarded
Study Guide Hand-Out

(Group Grade)


No hand-out provided or hand-out contains inaccurate information, does not include at least 50% of assigned content, is poorly organized, difficult to read, and has more than 5 spelling/grammatical errors.
Below Average

Hand-out accurately covers only about 50% of assigned content, or is poorly organized, difficult to read, and/or has 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Hand-out accurately covers 50-75% of assigned content, is mostly well-organized, mostly easy to read, and has no more than 3 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Hand-out accurately covers more than 75% of assigned content, is easy to read and well organized, with no more than 1 or 2 spelling/grammatical errors, and provides a helpful study tool to the audience.

Hand-out thoroughly covers assigned content in an accurante and highly organized format, providing the audience with an excellent study tool which exceeds expectations.
Points Awarded
Sample NCLEX Questions

(Group Grade)


No questions provided or questions are not relevent to subject content, or answers to more than 1 question are incorrect and not evidence-based.
Below Average

The student provides 5 NCLEX-style multiple choice questions with answers which are confusing or difficult to follow.

The student provides 5 very easy and objective NCLEX-style multiple choice questions with correct answers which involve only yes/no or memorized definition responses.

The student provides 5 moderately- challenging NCLEX-style multiple choice questions with correct answers which involve some level of critical thinking and utilizatoin of the nursing process.

The student provides 5 moderately challenging NCLEX-style multiple choice questions with correct answers, at least one of which utilize strong critical thinking skills and nursing implications.
Points Awarded
Evidence-Based References

(Group Grade)


Does not include any evidence-based reference materials or resources for audience.
Below Average

Includes at least 1 evidence-based reference or resource for audience which is pertinent to the subject content.

Includes at least 2 evidence-based references or resources for audience which is pertinent to the subject content and discusses the relevance with audience.

Includes at least 3 evidence-based references or resources for audience which is pertinent to the subject content and discusses and demonstrates the relevance with the audience.

Incorporates at least 3 evidence-based references or resources throughout the presentation, referring back to them frequently, and thoroughly demonstrating the use of any tools or resources to augment the audience's study of the material.
Points Awarded
Content of Paper

(Group Grade)


--Topic unclear and includes no aspects of the project, of inappropriate breadth for length of paper.
--Missing abstract, subtitles, and resources page
--Support for thesis insufficient.
--No organization, transitions, introduction, and no conclusion
Below Average

--Topic includes some aspects of the project, of semi appropriate breadth for length of paper & a topic is partially clear.
-- Only 2-3 in text citations used to support thesis
--Missing abstract, but includes subtitles, and resources page
--Organization, transitions, introduction, and conclusion lacking clarity and/or appropriateness

--Topic includes most aspects of the project, of appropriate breadth for length of paper & an appropriate topic for research.
--Contains somewhat clear and concise abstract, subtitles, and resources page
--Support for thesis sufficient, but lacking in depth or complexity.
-- Less than 5 in text citations are used to support the thesis.
--Organization, transitions, introduction, and conclusion slightly lacking clarity and/or appropriateness.

--Topic includes all aspects of the project, of appropriate breadth for length of paper & an appropriate topic for research.
--Contains clear and concise abstract, subtitles, and resources page
--Support for thesis complex, complete, & in-depth.
--5 or more in text citations are used to support the thesis.
--Writer involved with subject, not merely doing an assignment.
--Clear and appropriate organization, with effective transitions, introduction, and conclusion.
Points Awarded
Writing Style, Organization, Punctu

(Group Grade)


Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Language uses undefined jargon, or conversational tone.
Below Average

Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.

Language lacks clarity or includes the use of undefined jargon, or conversational tone.

Elements of effective communication such as an introduction and conclusion are included.

Few grammatical errors, but sentences could be clearer and more precise.

Elements of effective communication such as an introduction and conclusion are included.

Rules of grammar, usage and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.
Points Awarded

Below Average
Points Awarded

  • Presentation


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