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iRubric: First Grade Map Project rubric

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First Grade Map Project 
Students will create a birds eye view map of their bedroom. They will have to have at least 6 objects from the room each represented by a symbol. The symbols will be labeled on a map legend and the students will have to include a compass rose of the 4 cardinal directions.
Rubric Code: X24B3BX
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Public Rubric
Subject: Social Sciences  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Make a map
Students will create a birds eye view map of their bedroom. They will have to have at least 6 objects from the room each represented by a symbol. The symbols will be labeled on a map key and the students will have to include a compass rose of the 4 cardinal directions.

0 pts

Needs Improvement

4 pts


6 pts

Meets Expectation

8 pts

Exceeds Expectation

10 pts



-No project turned in
-Assignment turned in was not a map.
-No map key.
Needs Improvement

-Did not contain 6 objects from the room, and instead contained only 1 or 2.
-Map does not include a map legend or symbols are not properly labeled
-Compass rose is not present or not properly labeled.
-Title does not match what is represented on map or no title present

-Contained between 3-5, objects from around the room, but not 6.
-Map included map legend with symbols that are properly labeled
-Compass Rose is on the project somewhere but is not properly labeled
-Title is somewhere on map
Meets Expectation

-Contained 6 objects from the room
-Map included map legend with symbols that are properly labeled
-Compass rose is on map and properly labeled.
-Title is at the top of map.
Exceeds Expectation

-Contained more than 6 objects from the room
- Map included map legend with symbols that are properly labeled.
-Compass rose with properly labeled directions is on the project.
-Map includes title at the top.


-No project turned in.
-Cannot tell what the drawings are.
-Cannot read the words.
Needs Improvement

-Neatness of drawings are not acceptable.
-Writing was not legible.

-Drawings were mostly neat.
-Writing was mostly legible.
Meets Expectation

-Drawings were neat.
-Color was used in a logical manner to convey meaning.
-Writing was legible.
Exceeds Expectation

-Drawings were neat.
-Color was used in a logical manner to convey meaning.
-Writing was legible, with no problems reading any of the labels.


-No project turned in.
-No effort was used to create this project.
Needs Improvement

Teacher could tell little to no time was spent making everything the best it could be.

Teacher could tell student spent time working on it.
Meets Expectation

Teacher could tell much time was spent to meet the project's expectations.
Exceeds Expectation

Teacher could tell a large amount of time was spent making everything the best it could be.


-No participation in map presentation.
-Demonstrated no understanding of the map during presentation.
Needs Improvement

-Demonstrated little understanding of the map during presentation.
-Spoke inaudibly or incoherently during presentation.

-Demonstrates an adequate understanding of the map during presentation
-Speaks in a clear, audible voice.
Meets Expectation

-Demonstrates an understanding of the map during presentation through explanation.
-Speaks in a clear, audible voice.
Exceeds Expectation

-Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the map during presentation through elaborate explanation.
-Speaks in a clear, audible voice, with a good volume.


-No directions were followed properly.
-No name on project.
-No date on project.
Needs Improvement

-Some directions were followed but not a lot (Ex. name was on project but date was not)

-Most directions were followed.
-Name was on project.
-Date was on project.
Meets Expectation

-Student followed directions
asked of them.
-name and date were on project.
- all bedroom objects were clearly labeled.
-compass rose was on project somewhere
Exceeds Expectation

-Student went above and beyond directions
asked of them.
-Name and date were on project.
-All bedroom objects were clearly labeled.
-Compass rose was on project somewhere

  • draw, label, symbols, key, compass rose, cardinal directions

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