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iRubric: Road to the 2024 Election rubric

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Road to the 2024 Election 
Students choose an interest project from Voting Rights, Electoral College, & Political Platforms. Students will present their results from a choice of artifacts options: a brochure, book dust cover (inside and out), movie poster, or set of 5 postcards (front & back).
Rubric Code: X24A677
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Public Rubric
Subject: History  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Road to the 2024 Election
Total Score:___________









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There are NO spelling and grammar errors in the project.
The student has taken the time to proofread and edit their work with a level of 100% success.

There are 1-4 spelling and/or grammar errors in the project.
Student has taken time to proofread or edit their work with considerable, not complete success.

The are 5-8 spelling and/or grammar errors in the project.
The student took little time to proofread or edit content.

There are more than 9 spelling and/or grammar errors in the project.
The student has NOT proofread or edited work.
Creativity and Layout

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The project is very creative. The layout is extremely organized and neat. It contains all the elements that are needed:
~ At least 6 pictures
~ Graphically pleasing information sections
in color
~ everything presented is relevant to the content of the project
~ does not contain any "filler" content" that is not relevant to the topic.

Considerable creativity is apparent in the project. The layout is organized and neat. It contains all the required elements AND at least 4 pictures,
~ Graphically pleasing information sections in color
~ 90% of content presented is relevant to the topic of the project
~ contains little "filler" content" that is not relevant to the topic.

A little creativity is apparent in the project. There is some layout and organization evident in the presentation. It contains all the required elements AND at least 3 pictures,
~ Graphically pleasing information sections in color
~ 80% of content presented is relevant to the topic of the project
~ contains some "filler" content" that is not relevant to the topic.

Creativity is not apparent in the project. There is little layout or thoughtful organization to the project.
It contains all the required elements AND at least 2 pictures,
~ Graphically pleasing information sections in color
~ 70% of content presented is relevant to the topic of the project
~ contains significant "filler" content" (but no more than 50% of the project) that is not relevant to the topic.

List the Score Given:



All five elements are present and show considerable thought and preparation. Content is in students' own words. Each of the elements contains a minimum of 5 pertinent pieces of information given with great detail. Information is given in proper paragraph form - including a thesis statement, supporting facts, and a conclusion sentence. **Resource Page will use APA format. Timeline may use shorter descriptive sentences and not formal paragraph form.

All five elements are included in project but lacks sufficient details or depth of thought. It contains at least 4 pertinent pieces of information for each element. Almost all of the information is given in proper paragraph form - including a thesis statement, supporting facts, and a conclusion sentence.

Project is missing 1-2 of the required elements. It contains at least 3 pertinent pieces of information for the elements that are present.
Most of the information is given in proper paragraph form - including a thesis statement, supporting facts, and a conclusion sentence.

Project lacks 3-4 of the required criteria in the project. It contains at least 1 pertinent piece of information for the elements that are present. Some of the information is give in paragraph form.
NOTE: not using your own words, or any plagiarism will result in a zero on the project.
Photos/Timeline and/or maps

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All photos, timelines, maps, and infographics are appropriate to the subject matter. Every piece has been carefully chosen and is relevant to content.

All photos, timelines, maps, and infographics are SOMEWHAT relevant to the content.

Photos. timeline and/or maps are BARELY relevant to the content.

projectLACKS any photos, timeline or maps.

List the Score Given:



5 appropriate sources are cited using APA format and are listed on the back of the project in a neat manner.

4 references are listed on the back of the project in a neat manner.

3 references are listed on the back of the project.

Only two or less references are listed on the back of the project.

  • American History



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