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iRubric: Guitar-Chord Playing Assessment rubric

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Guitar-Chord Playing Assessment 
The following rubric is a checklist for chord reading and playing skills. During class you will play a chord progression for your teacher. You will be expected to play demonstrating your knowledge of correct string , finger, fret and rhythms that you are reading. You are expected to maintain a steady tempo and a clear ringing tone.
Rubric Code: X24A53C
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Public Rubric
Subject: Music  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Guitar-Original Song Skills

20 pts


17 pts

Needs more practice

15 pts

Much more practice

13 pts


10 pts



Student plays all the correct strings though out the piece.

Student plays most of the correct strings through out the piece. Student should review string numberings.
Needs more practice

Student plays many incorrect strings through out the piece. Student should review string numberings and practice finger placement on each.
Much more practice

Student plays only a few correct strings. Student should review string numberings and practice finger placement on strings. Student should also practice playing exercises one string at a time.

Student does not play correct strings.tring numberings and practice finger placement on strings. Student should also practice playing exercises one string at a time.


All rhythms were of proper length. Student maintains a steady tempo.

Most rhythms are of proper length and student maintains a steady tempo. Student should focus on problem notes and tap them out as he sings or speaks the words.
Needs more practice

Few rhythms are correct but student maintains a steady tempo. Student should review note values and sing or speak the words as he taps a steady beat.
Much more practice

Tempo fluctuates on occasion. Rhythm is not consistent. Student should work on identifying the beats and the rhythms. Student should listen to the song and tap the beat and clap the rhythms.

Tempo constantly fluctuates. Rhythm is not accurate. Student should work on identifying the beats and the rhythms. Student should listen to the song and tap the beat and clap the rhythms.


Student plays all the correct frets through out the piece.

Students plays most of the correct frets through out the piece. Student should review fret and finger numbers and realize the connection between them.
Needs more practice

Student plays only some of the correct frets. Student should review the fretboard and fret numbers used when playing the guitar.
Much more practice

Student plays few correct frets. Student should review fretboard set up and practice counting the frets and placing fingers on the fretboard using simple examples.

Student does not place fingers on correct frets.Student should review fretboard set up and practice counting the frets and placing fingers on the fretboard using simple examples.


All correct fingerings were used though out the piece.

Mostly all of the correct fingers were used through out the piece. Student should review finger numbers and make correlation between fingers and frets.
Needs more practice

Only some correct fingers were used. Student should review finger and fret correlation and practice finger stretches in order to gain confidence in using problematic fingers.
Much more practice

Hardly any correct fingers were used. Student should review finger and fret correlation and practice finger stretches in order to gain confidence in using all fingers.

No correct fingering was used.Student should review finger and fret correlation and practice finger stretches in order to gain confidence in using all fingers.
Tone quality


Tone was clear and ringing at all times.

Tone was clear and ringing most of the time.
Student should work on problematic tone by pressing fingers more firmly onto the fretboard
Needs more practice

Most of tones were not clear and ringing. Student should do repeated finger exercises geared toward strengthening problematic fingers.
Much more practice

Only a few notes were clear and ringing. Student should do repeated finger exercises geared toward strengthening all of the fingers.

None of the notes were clear and ringing.Student should do repeated finger exercises geared toward strengthening all of the fingers.



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