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iRubric: Impromptu Speech rubric

iRubric: Impromptu Speech rubric

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Impromptu Speech 
Rubric Code: X245X3X
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Impromptu Speech
100 %

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts


4 pts


5 pts

Stage Presence/Poise
5 pts


The speaker enters the room on the verge of a panic attack. The speaker apologizes profusely for nerves. The speaker attempts to hide behind the computer desk, rather than taking his/her place in the center of the room. The speaker is clearly rattled and unsure of how to begin.

The speaker nervously stumbles into the room when it is his/her time to speak. The speaker apologizes for his/her nervousness, and seems flustered and out-of-sorts.

The speaker enters the room rather reluctantly and with a morose expression. The speaker takes his/her place in the middle of the room, and attempts to refrain from rolling eyes or heaving a dramatic sigh.

The speaker enters the classroom with a fair amount of confidence and assurance. Although the speaker may seem slightly nervous, the speaker does calm himself/herself, connects with the audience, and refrains from mentioning any nervousness or apologizing for any nervousness.

The speaker enters the classroom to deliver the speech calmly, slowly, and with confidence. The speaker takes his/her position in the middle of the front of the room. The speaker takes a moment to breathe, and to establish eye contact with your audience.The speaker appears calm and assured.
Eye Contact
5 pts


The speaker read directly from note cards, and made no eye contact whatsoever with the audience.

The speaker primarily read from the note card, and made few attempts at eye contact with the audience. The speaker's body may have also been turned away from a portion of the audience.

The speaker used the note card often, but also made intentional, occasional eye contact with some members of the class. The speaker's body was occasionally turned away from part of the class, which impeded eye contact with those classmates.

The speaker referenced the note card as needed, and made eye contact with most of the students in the room. The speaker made efforts to correct body positioning to connect with each side of the classroom.

The speaker referenced the note card as needed, but make intentional and repeated eye contact/connection with each person in the classroom while delivering the presentation.
Vocal Tone & Quality
5 pts


It was difficult to clearly understand the speaker's words. The speaker talked too quickly or too slowly. The speaker's tone of voice was inappropriate/too soft for the setting.

Although the speaker's words were understandable, the rate was speaking rate was too quick or too soft.

The speaker spoke clearly and with appropriate speed and tone of voice.

The speaker demonstrated a pleasing voice quality, sounded confident, and spoke at an understandable rate of speed and volume.

Excellent voice quality, tone, and speed. Made excellent connections with audience and elocution was immaculate. Emotional connection made through voice.
Nonverbal Behaviors
5 pts


The speaker fidgeting excessively. Exhibited several distracting mannerisms (swaying, crossing legs,crossing arms, kicking feet about, waving the note card in the air, clutching note card to the chest, played with hair, randomly flapping arms, etc). Paced awkwardly about and seemed uncomfortable and ill at ease.

The speaker exhibited a small amount of fidgeting and exhibited a few distracting gestures (swaying, crossing legs,crossing arms, kicking feet about, waving the note card in the air, clutching note card to the chest, played with hair, randomly flapping arms, etc). The speaker seemed nervous and physically tense.

The speaker avoided most fidgeting, and only seemed tense occasionally. The speaker avoided "blocking" the audience with crossed legs/crossed arms. If speaker lost train of thought, speaker was able to recover with poise and move forward with the speech.

The speaker immediately corrected any fidgeting if/when it began. The speaker kept/held note card by side and only raised the card to consult notes. Gestures seemed natural and the speaker visually appeared relaxed and confident.

The speaker stood with poise and confidence, moving only with purpose and intention. The speaker all avoided nervous mannerisms. Gestures were natural and spontaneous. The speaker physically connected with the audience in a conversational fashion that made each person feel comfortable.
Time Limit
5 pts

Time limit 2 minutes. May go 5 seconds under or over without penalty.


Spoke less than 1 minute or longer than 2:05 minutes.

Spoke between 1 minute and 1:15.

Spoke between 1:15 and 1:30.

Spoke between 1:30-1:54.

Spoke between 1:55-2:05
5 pts

Responded correctly to the randomly-chosen topic


Speaker misinterpreted the topic, and discussed something different than what was assigned.

Although the speaker understood the topic, the speaker seemed uninterested in the topic or frustrated/annoyed by the topic.

The speaker understood the topic, and exhibited some interest and enthusiasm while discussing the topic.

The speaker understood the topic, and demonstrated an appropriate level of enthusiasm and creativity while discussing the topic.

The speaker not only fully and correctly understood the topic, but also showed enthusiasm and creativity to the point where the speech was interesting and compelling to both the speaker and the audience.
5 pts

Began the speech appropriately.


Speaker did not provide an opening statement relevant to the topic. At best, the speaker may have merely stated their name and title of topic. The speaker did not preview the three main ideas to be discussed.

The speaker began the speech with an opening statement relevant to the topic, and previewed one main point/or at least stated the topic to be discussed.

The speaker began by previewing the three main ideas, but missed an opening statement relevant to the topic.

The speaker provided an opening statement relevant to the topic, and previewed two main points.

The speaker provided an opening statement relevant to the topic, and correctly and fully previewed the speech's three main points.
Main Points
5 pts

Main points stated as clear sentences within the body of the speech.


The speaker either 1) made one mention of a main idea, or 2) made no clear mention of the three main ideas whatsoever in the body of the speech.

If clear topic sentences were spoken, those stated main ideas were irrelevant to the assigned topic.

The speaker used key words to refer to the three main ideas, rather than speaking them out as full, declarative topic sentences.

The speaker missed a clear statement of only one main idea, but the other two main topic sentences were stated somewhat clearly or concisely.

The speaker stated all three main ideas in an understandable fashion, although the topic sentences could have been a bit stronger.

The speaker stated each of the three main ideas as clear, concise sentences.
5 pts

Examples and supporting details


The main ideas were short, missed supporting materials, lacked explanatory details.

Some supporting materials appeared under each main point, but were insufficient, irrelevant, and/or poorly developed.

Each main point was supported by a few specific supporting materials, although more detail/explanation was needed.

Each main point was adequately supported with appropriate statistics, examples, testimonies, etc.

All information was clear, concise and conversational. Each main point was supported by a statistic, a personal example, or an example(s) from movies, TV shows, cultural events, personal testimony/experiences from others, etc. Each supporting material directly related to that made idea, and served to make the speech clear and comprehensive to the audience.
5 pts


The speaker provided no review of main points or concluding statement, but simply ended the speech and sat down.

The speaker offered some type of concluding statement before ending the speech.

The speaker reviewed the main points of the speech, but omitted the final, wrap-up statement.

The speaker reviewed two of the main ideas and ended with a concluding statement to wrap up the speech.

The speaker concluded the speech in two steps. 1) The speaker first reviewed the three main ideas discussed in the speech. 2) The speaker then offered a concluding statement to wrap up the speech.

  • Impromptu Speech

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