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iRubric: Rendition of Impressionist Painting rubric

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Rendition of Impressionist Painting 
Student will create a close rendition of the impressionist painting (using at least 5 different mediums) that they've chosen for their last presentation. Student will also create a placard for their selected work, including the artist's name, title, date, and a very brief description of the piece of art. Why would this be considered an Impressionist work? How is it different from the work of other Impressionists? What makes this work unique to this particular artist? (Think style)
Rubric Code: WXB8399
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12

Powered by iRubric Rendition of Impressionist Painting

0 pts


5 pts

Très bien

10 pts



Student made very little attempt, if any, to capture the colors in the original painting; whether they were muted colors or bright.

Although student uses some colors that were not in the original impressionist painting they did manage to also use most of its primary colors to try to complement the overall mood of the painting.
Très bien

Student made a very good attempt at representing the original colors of the painting, and when they did not, they explained their reasoning for switching up some of the primary colors from the original.
Matériaux usage and explanation


Student did not make much of an attempt to bring in new materials to create their rendition of their chosen impressionist painting, and so it fell a bit short of being original.

Student chose a couple of different materials to create their rendition of their impressionist painting, and it worked fairly well for them. Some difficulty explaining why certain materials were used, and what they represented, but overall, good attempt.
Très bien

Student chose very original materials to complement their interpretation of their chosen impressionist painting. Excellent job explaining use of their specific materials. Really helped to bring the audience into their project.


Student does not stay on task and participate in the project. Had to be redirected many times while working on the project.

Student stayed focused on the project fo the most part, but there were a couple of times there was a need for redirection.
Très bien

Student stayed very focused during the projects, and perhaps had to be reminded about keeping with the time schedule for their work. Overall, student showed complete commitment to their project.


Student did very little in the way of trying to create their own rendition of the impressionist painting.

The student attempted to stay with the impressionist style of painting but there were some areas of art piece that were unclear.
Très bien

Student really captured the mood of the painting with the materials that they chose to use, and every aspect of the painting (although different from the original painting) was very clear, and no interpretation was needed on the part of the audience.


Student made very weak attempt at having an accent that is easy to follow.

Student made a fair enough attempt to have a good accent, and although there were times the audience did not understand a few phrases
Très bien

Excellent effort made to have an accent that not only was easy to follow, but also one that demonstrated that student made an awesome attempt to have a genuine French accent.

  • Impressionist


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