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iRubric: Map project for Foreign language rubric

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Map project for Foreign language 
You will create a map of an imaginary city. Your city map must include: all locations in the project outline, parallel and perpendicular streets (if possible), a directional compass, and clear labels of key structures and places (IN FRENCH). Please include a map title and a map key if necessary. Remember to be creative!
Rubric Code: WX9XB65
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Public Rubric
Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Design your city
  High Proficiency

Excellent presentation

9 pts


Nice presentation

7 pts

Progressing toward proficient

Presentation okay

5 pts

Needs intervention

Unacceptable presentation

3 pts


Unacceptable presentation

1 pts

Map Components

High Proficiency

The map includes a relevant title, accurate compass rose, and map key, streets in French with few to no spelling errors

The map has either a relevant title, a compass rose, or a key, and map key, streets in French with few to no errors, but is missing one of the key features.
Progressing toward proficient

The map has either a relevant title, a compass rose, or a key, and map key, streets in French with few errors, but is missing more than one of the key features.
Needs intervention

The map lacks either a relevant title, a compass rose, or a key, and map key, streets in French with multiple errors, and is missing more than many of the key features.

Missing major components.
Listed Landmarks

High Proficiency

The map includes a minimum of 10 landmarks. Landmarks are clearly identified and marked with French names.

The map includes fewer than 10 landmarks. Landmarks are clearly identified and marked with French names.
Progressing toward proficient

The map includes fewer than 8 landmarks and incorporates few French place names.
Needs intervention

The map includes fewer than 6 landmarks and incorporates few French place names.

Student failed to identify landmarks or failed to use French.
Visual Display

High Proficiency

The map includes specific details to include street names that allows map to be easily interpreted.

The map incorporates some details, but is unclear in portions. Somewhat difficult to interpret specific locations and proximity.
Progressing toward proficient

The map does not incorporate details. It is extremely difficult to understand. Locations and proximity are hard to decipher and work is generally sloppy.
Needs intervention

The map does not incorporate details. It is extremely difficult to understand. Locations and proximity are hard to decipher and work is extremely sloppy.

Map is incomplete.
Written Composition

High Proficiency

Composition includes sentences pertaining to all locations in proximity to the selected locations. Sentences are written in French. Sentences include 10 sentences using prepositions of location and 10 sentences of direction, and have few to no errors. (20 sentences total.)

Composition includes sentences pertaining to majority of the locations, but neglects to address certain locations. Sentences are written in French. Sentences include fewer than 10 prepositions of location and fewer than10 sentences of direction, and have some errors.
Progressing toward proficient

Composition includes sentences pertaining to some of the locations, but neglects to address several locations. Sentences are written in French. Sentences include fewer than 8 prepositions of location and fewer than 8 sentences of direction, and have some errors.
Needs intervention

Composition includes few sentences pertaining to some of the locations, and neglects to address several locations. Sentences are not understandable. Sentences include fewer than 6 prepositions of location and fewer than 6 sentences of direction, and have many errors.

Student failed to write a composition element for project.

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