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iRubric: Final Term Assessment Rubrics for Grade V (Junior III)

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Final Term Assessment Rubrics for Grade V (Junior III) 
Ms. Powerpoint (Basic)
Rubric Code: WC45C8
Public Rubric
Subject: Computers  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Multimedia Presentation
Grade 5 (Junior III)
  Need Improvement

0 pts


1 pts


2 pts


3 pts

Placing Content: Title Slide
5 pts

Is student able to create Title Slide, including
1. Main Title
2. Subtitle,
3. Graphics
4. Personal Details: Full name and Class

Need Improvement

Student is unable to insert title slide at all

Student is able to insert title slide without subtitle, graphics and personal details.
1) Only able to put Main Title.

Student is able to create title slide displaying Main Title with either subtitle or graphics or personal details.
EITHER subtitle OR graphics OR personal details are mentioned.

Student is able to create title slide displaying Main Title, Subtitle, Graphics and personal details properly.
Able to present 1 to 4
Placing Content: Number of Slides
5 pts

Is student able to insert/create appropiate number of slides as mentioned in the Task

Need Improvement

Student is unable to create any slides

Student is able to create slides, but unable to create appropiate number of slides.

Created slides are less then 5

Student is able to create required number of slides but unable to place content and images to utilize space evenly.
Basic Errors like:
1) One or few slides does not have content.

Student is able to create appropiate number and able to utilize available space with content and images evenly.

Placing Content: Inserting text
10 pts

Is student able to insert provided text as mentioned in the assignment

Need Improvement

Student is unable to insert text/content at all

Student is able to insert text/content but it is incomplete as provided in word document.

Inserted text is incomplete.

Student is able to insert text/content. But unable to provide slide headings


Student is able to insert text/content and Slide headings properly.

Inserting Images
10 pts

Is student able to insert images on the right side of the text.

Need Improvement

Student is unable to insert images at all

Student is able to insert images but it is not placed at the right of the related text

Student is able to insert images and it is placed at the right of the related text.

Student is able to insert images and it is placed at the right of the related text with some applied effects
Using Smart Art
5 pts

Is student abel to use SmartArt option to classify things. Preferred type for task is Hierarchy

Need Improvement

Student is unable to insert/use SmartArt option at all

Student is able to insert/use SmartArt option. but the type of SmartArt is other than preferred type(hierarchy ).

Student is able to insert/use SmartArt with prefered type.

Student is able to insert/use SmartArt with prefered type. Also student is able to apply some formatting to it like changing colors, applying 3d or shadow effects.
Applying Design Themes
10 pts

Is student able to apply consistent theme to all slides?

Need Improvement

Student is unable to apply themes.

Student is able to apply themes. But there is no consistency of themes among all slides.

Student is able to apply themes with consistency of same themes among all slides.

Student is able to apply themes with consistency of same themes among all slides. Also applied background styles to the slides.
Formatting presentation text
5 pts

Is student able to apply formatting as follow:
1. Headings Text Size: >35 pts , Regular Text: >25 pts.
2. Text Alignment: Left
3. Use bullets points to present ideas.

Need Improvement

Student is unable to apply formatting options

Student is able to apply formatting to some extent.
As per criteria, only 1 kind of formatting is applied

Student is able to apply formatting to good extent.
As per criteria, only 2 kind of formattings are applied

Student is able to apply formatting to great extent.
As per criteria, all kind of formattings are applied

  • Presentation, PPT


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