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iRubric: Recipe rubric

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Present a recipe or dish specific to your county. Include with your recipe a write up about the significance of your recipe or dish, a printed recipe, explain why this recipe/dish is important to your country and what are some important spices in the recipe/dish. Explain why you chose to represent your country with this dish or recipe.
Rubric Code: W2W5C95
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

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  Exceeds Expectations

5 pts

Meets Expectations

4 pts

Almost Meets Expectations

3 pts

Below Expectations

2 pts

Follows directions

Create dish or display spices

Exceeds Expectations

Includes accurate ingredients and follows steps to make recipe.
Meets Expectations

Missing one of the required ingredients and the recipe is not successful.
Almost Meets Expectations

Missing two of the required ingredients and the recipe is unsuccessful.
Below Expectations

Missing three or more of the required ingredients and the recipe is a failure.

Presentation of dish/recipe is done in a creative way. Create a recipe card.

Exceeds Expectations

Recipe card adds to the importance and understanding of the recipe.
Recipe is presented in an interesting display.
Meets Expectations

Recipe card is good but not much meaning to the recipe.
Recipe is somewhat presented in an orderly display.
Almost Meets Expectations

Recipe card has nothing to do with the recipe.
Recipe is presented in a messy display.
Below Expectations

Recipe card is not included.
Recipe is not presented in a display.
Content & Grammar

Write up & recipe card
Your write up should include: what the spice/dish is, what country your spice/recipe is from, why you chose it, what is it used for and how is it used?

Exceeds Expectations

Your write up should include: what the spice/dish is, what country your spice/recipe is from, why you chose it, what is it used for and how is it used?
Write up and recipe card are perfect grammar, no errors.
Meets Expectations

Your write up should include: what the spice/dish is, what country your spice/recipe is from, why you chose it, what is it used for and how is it used? Write up and recipe card contains 2 errors.
Almost Meets Expectations

Your write up should include: what the spice/dish is, what country your spice/recipe is from, why you chose it, what is it used for and how is it used?
Write up and recipe card contains 3-4 errors.
Below Expectations

Your write up should include: what the spice/dish is, what country your spice/recipe is from, why you chose it, what is it used for and how is it used? Write up and recipe card contains 5 or more errors.

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