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iRubric: Original Folk Tale rubric

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Original Folk Tale 
After researching several folktales, you will write and illustrate your own folktale. You may write a folktale that teaches a lesson, or simply entertains. You will create a booklet with your folktale with a minimum of 6 pages. with illustrations.
Rubric Code: VXW98X3
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Folk Tale
  Exceeds Standards

4 pts

Meets Standards

3 pts

Approaching Standards

2 pts

Below Standards

1 pts

Problem and Solution

Exceeds Standards

There is a clear problem and solution in the story. The story clearly connects the problem and the solution.
Meets Standards

The story has a some what clear problem and solution. The story mostly connects the problem and the solution.
Approaching Standards

There is evidence of an attempt at a problem and a solution, but it is not clear. The story attempts to connect the problem to the solution, but it does not do it in a clear way.
Below Standards

Either the problem or solution or both are missing.

Exceeds Standards

The story teaches a clear moral.
Meets Standards

The moral of the story is somewhat clear.
Approaching Standards

There is an attempt at a moral but it is unclear or doesn't appear connected to the story.
Below Standards

This story does not teach a moral.
Entertainment Value

Exceeds Standards

Extremely Entertaining.
Meets Standards

Approaching Standards

Somewhat entertaining.
Below Standards

Not entertaining.
Number of pages

Exceeds Standards

6 (or more) written pages with illustrations.
Meets Standards

5 written pages with illustrations.
Approaching Standards

4 written pages with illustrations.
Below Standards

3 or fewer written pages with illustrations.
Unbelievable elements

Exceeds Standards

The story has some unbelievable parts that still make sense with the story.
Meets Standards

The story has some unbelievable parts that mostly make sense with the story.
Approaching Standards

The story has some unbelievable parts that seems random in the story.
Below Standards

There are no unbelievable parts to this story.

Exceeds Standards

The story is clearly organized and makes sense.
Meets Standards

The story is mostly clearly organized and makes sense.
Approaching Standards

The story organization is confusing and difficult to follow.
Below Standards

The story is poorly organized and almost impossible to understand.
Grammar and Spelling

Exceeds Standards

Few (if any) mistakes in spelling and grammar, these mistakes do not affect comprehension of the story.
Meets Standards

A few mistakes in spelling and grammar, but these mistakes do not affect comprehension of the story.
Approaching Standards

Too many mistakes in spelling and grammar. The mistakes affect the comprehension of the story.
Below Standards

Mistakes in spelling in grammar make the story unreadable.

  • folk tale



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