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iRubric: Elaboration Group Activity rubric

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Elaboration Group Activity 
Rubric is generated from whole class collaboration as well as content and technical issues. Students are to create a presentation using emaze to teach the class about systems of linear inequalities using graphing and word problems.
Rubric Code: VXAWXB3
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Public Rubric
Subject: Math  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Role Swap-Students to Teachers
  Not There

2 pts

Getting Closer

4 pts

Almost There

6 pts

Successfully Arrived

8 pts


Graphing systems of linear inequalities, graphed correctly, shaded regions, boundary lines

Not There

The student incorrectly graphs boundary lines and may also shade solution regions incorrectly.
Getting Closer

The student correctly draws boundary lines for each linear inequality but does not know how to determine the solution region or incorrectly identifies it.
Almost There

The student demonstrates an understanding of how to graph the solution region of a system of inequalities but makes a minor graphing error.
Successfully Arrived

The student correctly graphs each boundary line and identifies the solution region.

Simplify systems of linear inequalities in correct form of y<x+b, flip inequality when necessary

Not There

Does not know how to correctly solve linear inequalities
Getting Closer

Student correctly puts the inequality in the correct order y<x+b, but does not simplify completely
Almost There

Students simplifies inequality correctly y<x+b, but does not flip inequality when necessary
Successfully Arrived

Students simplifies inequality free of error y<x+b, flips inequality when necessary
Word Problems

Setting up and solving word problems using an inequality or system of inequalities.

Not There

Did not translate they systems of inequalities correctly but showed effort
Getting Closer

Has one or more of the following:
1. equation does not illustrate word problem
2. is not completely solved
3. is solved using wrong procedural steps as well as arithmetic.

Contains limited knowledge of key words in word problems to signify operations.
Almost There

Problem attempted but shows one or more of the following:
1. Problem is set up correctly using an inequality (values in right place, variable in right place, correct operations used), but may have used incorrect symbol.
2.Solved inequality using appropriate procedural steps and rules, but arithmetic may be incorrect.
Successfully Arrived

Inequality correctly illustrates situation in word problem, utilizing grade level concepts. Inequality is solved accurately and utilizes correct procedural steps and rules.
Content and Technical

all areas of presentation are clear and easy to follow, content was accurately covered, groups were organized and prepared, emazed was used to present the lesson

Not There

Has three or more of the following:
Presentation is unclear
Audience is unable to follow
Group is unorganized
presentation had many content errors
Students were unprepared
Did not use Emaze
Getting Closer

Has two or more of the following:
Presentation is unclear
Audience is unable to follow
Group is unorganized
presentation had many content errors
Students were unprepared
Did not use Emaze
Almost There

Has one or more of the following:
Presentation is partly clear,
audience can follow with minor difficulty,
Group was slightly unorganized presentation had a couple content of errors,
students lacked in 1-2 areas of preparation
Successfully Arrived

Presentation is completely clear, audience followed with ease, emaze was used for presentation of the lesson, group organization was perfect, free of content errors, students were completely prepared in all areas of presentation



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