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iRubric: Social Media Marketing plan rubric

iRubric: Social Media Marketing plan rubric

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Social Media Marketing plan 
You are assigned the role of social media marketing specialist so you have to propose a social media marketing plan based on the goals and objectives of the business. Choose any three social media networks which you feel are the most appropriate considering the target audience and type of business.
Rubric Code: VX9A729
Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

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  Excellent / Exceeds Standard

5 pts

Good / Meets Standard

4 pts

Fair / Partially Meets Standard

3 pts

Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

2 pts

Clear social media goals
5 pts

Demonstrates realistic and clear goals.Ex. communications, identifying market needs, etc.

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

Found a need first then used a social media site to fill that need.
Good / Meets Standard

Goals identified but group could have put more in it
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Goals identified but not fulfilled
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

No goals identified
5 pts

Demonstrates use of proper sites while taking into account audience, product and campagin goals.
Ex. Using Facebook to communicate with pre-schoolers

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

This group has maintained relevancy and is absolutely satisfactory
Good / Meets Standard

Social Media sites are relevant. Campaign goals are slightly reached or group should have put forward more effort
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Social Media sites are relevant.
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

Social media site is not relevant to the product or audience.
Social Media Campaign goals are not reached
5 pts

Demonstrates consistency with entire campaign

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

Social Media sites are very fluid and seem to be a part of the whole campaign.
Good / Meets Standard

Social Media sites very similar, a few words off, off color or slightly different
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Social media sites slightly resemble other materials
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

Social Media sites are not fluid with any other campaign materials.
5 pts

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

The project includes all information relevant to the topic and is presented in a well organized fashion. Message is clearly related and presented in a creative, thought-provoking, and original way.
Length is correct.
Good / Meets Standard

The project includes all relevant information. Content is well organized. Message is clear and presented in an original way. Length of presentation is adequate.
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

The project includes some relevant information. Content is somewhat organized. There is not enough information presented to clearly relate ideas. Information is disorganized.
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

The project is lacking in elements required. There are many gaps in information presented.
Level of research
5 pts

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

The project demonstrates a level of understanding that exceeds the expectation of this assignment.
Good / Meets Standard

The student provides a clear presentation of the information. This is in their own words.
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

There are several confusing moments and the information presented is not completely shared during the presentation.
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

The information that is presented lacks many elements of what is expected.
Work quality/effort
5 pts

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

The work done demonstrates that the learner is proud of his/her work. Effort exceeds expectation.
Good / Meets Standard

The work was done with good effort. Time put into this project is appropriate.
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Work is done with fair effort, but the quality is still not what the learner is capable of. It is evident that the work was rushed.
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

Work is done with little effort, quality is not what the learner is capable of. Work was rushed and little time was spent on the final product. Work is incomplete.
Applicable knowledge
5 pts

The student will use the information learned from the topic to answer questions posed from the class.

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

Student is able to answer all questions presented by the class
Good / Meets Standard

Student is able to answer most questions presented by the class
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Student is able to answer some questions presented by the class
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

Student is able to answer a few questions presented by the class
Creativity and Innovation
5 pts

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and process using technology.

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

Student creates a multi-media project that is an original piece of work. Project is appealing and has many visual displays and examples that improve it's visual appeal.
Good / Meets Standard

Student creates an multi-media project that is an original piece of work. Project meets all the criteria in the rubric; however, is lacking in visual displays and appeal.
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Student creates a multi-media project that is not an original piece of work. The presentation is lacking in visual displays and appeal.
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

Student creates a multi-media project that is weak and contains little to no visual displays. The project does not appear to be original work.
Visual Aid / Graphics
5 pts

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

The project has an element of creativity and is not just a list of facts. Project is presented in a clear and concise manner demontrating full understanding of the subject. Excellent use of graphics to enhance message.
Good / Meets Standard

The project is clear and logical and contains facts as well as very few mistakes. Good clear presentation. Good use of graphics to enhance message.
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

The project lacks style and reads more like a list of facts than an oral presentation. The presentation lacks clarity and message is not clearly related.
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

The project lacks a clear understanding of the subject matter and their are many errors. Use of graphics does not enhance message.
Team Work
5 pts

The team will show coordination and preparation of the topic and participation from all members.

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

All team members participated in the presentation and there was a clear contribution from each member.
Good / Meets Standard

Several members participated and there was a noticeable contribution from each member.
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Less than half of the members participated and there was not a noticeable contribution from each member.
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

Only one member presented the material and the contribution of the other members was not noticeable.
Time Frame
5 pts

Students provided the information in the acceptable time frame

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

The student has provided the information within the 10-15 minute time frame.
Good / Meets Standard

Student has provided the information outside of the stated time frame. 1-4 minutes plus or minus
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Student has provided the information outside of the stated time frame.
5-7 minutes plus or minus
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

Student has provided the information outside of the stated time frame.
8 minutes plus or minus
Oral Presentation
5 pts

Student will present the topic to the entire class, using the digital tools learned in the course. Student will speak in a clear and professional voice.

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

Student has rehearsed the presentation and is speaking clearly, intelligently and professionally.
Good / Meets Standard

Student is speaking clearly but is having occasional trouble speaking clearly, intelligently, and professionally. about the topic.
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Student is not speaking clearly and knows somethings about the topic.
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

Student is simply reading and does not know about the topic.
Marketing Concepts Addressed
5 pts

All 4 Ps (product, price, place and promotion) are addressed

Excellent / Exceeds Standard

Student addressed all four Ps associated with social marketing within the Public Service Advertisement. The content clearly aligns with the information presented in class.
Good / Meets Standard

Student addressed at least three of the Ps associated with social marketing within the Public Service Advertisement. The content clearly aligns with the information presented in class.
Fair / Partially Meets Standard

Student addressed less than three of the Ps associated with social marketing or the alignment is not clear.
Poor / Does Not Meet Standard

Students final product did not align to the concept of social marketing as discussed in class.

  • Social Media Marketing

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