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iRubric: Video: Picture in Picture rubric

iRubric: Video: Picture in Picture rubric

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Video: Picture in Picture 
A Template Rubric to assess a Picture in Picture Video Project for High School Students, Grades 9-12.
Rubric Code: VX4X848
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Public Rubric
Subject: Communication  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric PIP Video Project
95 - 100 Distinguished
90 - 94 Skilled
80 - 89 Proficient
70 - 79 Developing
60 - 69 Inadequate
Below 60 Missing / Resubmit
  Missing/Below Expectations

Below 60

0 pts



1 pts


70 - 79

2 pts


80 - 89

3 pts


90 - 94

4 pts


95 - 100

5 pts


Folder Created
Appropriate Names
- ALL Resource Files
- ALL Project Files
- ALL Final Exported/Rendered Movie Files

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

Folder is MISSING or Named Incorrectly. Half or MORE of the Required Files are MISSING

MISSING TWO of the Required Files

Missing ONE of the Required Files

Folder exists, and has an appropriate name for project. All of the Necessary Resources AND Final Completed Rendered Movies are saved correctly inside the project folder.

In Addition: Contents of folder are meticulously Organized. Folder contains SubFolders. All file names are Descriptive and clearly identifiable. All files are named using a logical convention so they appear in sequential order.
Requirements: Basic Elements

- Opening Title
- PIP Frame
- Intro / Exit Music
- Complete Credits
- Logo
- Lyrics ( if Necessary)
- ALL in Correct Sequence

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

Project is MISSING THREE or More of the SIX Required Elements and/or THREE or More Required Components are Located Incorrectly in the Sequence of the Video.

Project is MISSING TWO of the SIX Required Elements and/or TWO Required Components are Located Incorrectly in the Sequence of the Video.

Project is MISSING ONE of the SIX Required Elements and/or ONE Required Component is Located Incorrectly in the Sequence of the Video.

Project Includes ALL SIX of the Required Elements, Located in the Correct Sequence within the Video

In Addition: Student created New components that add Richness and Viewer appeal, And/Or so Enhanced One or Two of the Basic Elements so that they are a "Production within a Production" ( ie. Opening title sequence of a James Bond Movie )
ProductionContent: Time

Time ( 60secs )
= Opening Scene to Beginning of Credits
Required Original Weather Video Footage = Total Secs

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

Production was Over/Under by More than 10 seconds. Student was 10 or More seconds short of required original video.

Production was Over/Under by 6-10 seconds. Student was 6-10 seconds short of required original video.

Production was Over/Under by 1-5 seconds. Student was 1-5 seconds short of required original video.

Production was Created to Exact Required Time Specifications. Students utilized the correct amount of Original Video Footage

Original Weather Video Footage went Above & Beyond requirements, utilizing video captured from Multiple Locations to create a more Interesting & Visually Dynamic production.
Requirements: Audio Components

Intro Music/Jingle
Exit Music/Jingle
- Music Should Fade In AND Fade Out

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

Project is MISSING, Intro, OR Exit Music.

Project INCLUDES, Intro & Exit Music, that Compliments the production. Intro AND Exit Music DOES NOT Correctly Fade OUT ( Intro ) or Fade IN ( Exit )

Project INCLUDES, Intro & Exit Music, that Compliments the production. Intro OR Exit Music DOES NOT Correctly Fade OUT ( Intro ) or Fade IN ( Exit )

Project INCLUDES, Intro & Exit Music, that Compliments the production. Music Correctly Fades OUT ( Intro ) and Fades IN ( Exit )

Additionally, Student created Original GargaeBand Loops ( consisting of more than just a Single Instrument or Loop ) for the Required Intro, Exit & Backgound segments.
ProductionContent: Audio Level

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

Virtually ALL of the Audio in the video is Barely Audible & Difficult for the Listener to Understand due to poor Levels (db's), Pronunciation, Diction, or Speed

Segments of the Audio within the video are Barely Audible & Difficult for the Listener to Understand due to poor Levels (db's), Pronunciation, Diction, or Speed

Most of the Audio within the video is Clearly Audible & Understandable to the Listener in Level (db's), Pronunciation, Diction, & Speed

ALL Audio within the video is Clearly Audible & Understandable to the Listener in Level (db's) Pronunciation, Diction, & Speed

In Addition: There are Multiple Instances where several audio components Overlap and their decibel (db) levels have been adjusted to ensure the proper viewer experience as intended by the director.
ProductionContent: Text

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

There is More than ONE instance where Text is Spelled Incorrectly. There is More than ONE instance where the text is NOT Legible or Readable due to Size, Color, Duration and/or Speed

There is ONE instance where Text is Spelled Incorrectly. There is More than ONE instance where the text is NOT Legible or Readable due to Size, Color, Duration and/or Speed

There is ONE instance where the text is NOT legible or Readable due to Size, Color, Duration and/or Speed

Intentionally BLANK

ANY & ALL Text in video is Spelled correctly. ALL text in video is Legible / Readable in Size, Color, Duration and/or Speed
PIP Frame

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

PIP Frame is Present for less than Half of the Required 60 second production and/or is Too Small for Comprehension is or Positioned over the Speaker's Face. The Weather Graphic is MISSING.

PIP Frame is Missing for a portion of the Required 60 second production and is Sized appropriately; Speaker's Face is Obscured during portions of the video. The Weather Graphic is MISSING and/or Does NOT Replace the Weather Video long enough for viewer Comprehension and/or Jumps to a new PIP window.

PIP Frame is Present throughout the Entire Required 60 second production and is Sized & Positioned appropriately; Speaker's Face is NOT Obscured at any time. The Weather Graphic Does NOT Replace the Weather Video long enough for viewer Comprehension and/or Jumps to a new PIP window.

Intentionally BLANK

PIP Frame is Present throughout the Entire Required 60 second production and is Sized & Positioned appropriately; Speaker's Face is NOT Obscured at any time. The Weather Graphic Correctly Replaces the Weather Video long enough for viewer Comprehension.

  • Video Assessment



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