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iRubric: Hitchcock Re-do rubric

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Hitchcock Re-do 
Audio/video production students in grades 11-12 will form teams of 2-5, and create a reproduction (shot for shot) of a scene from one of Hitchcock's movies.
Rubric Code: VX3C899
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Public Rubric
Subject: Vocational  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Hitchcock ReDo
  Box Office Gold

Dust off a spot on your mantle. Your Oscar is a done deal.

10 pts

Big Opening Weekend

Lots of special effects and pretty people, but substance was missing.

7 pts

Indy Buzz

Some praise here and there, but not many people saw it.

5 pts

Rotten Tomato

Too many shifts at the restaurant made you tired. Back to acting class for you.

2 pts

Director Notes

Comments and questions for the author


Storyboards/Shot List

Box Office Gold

Complete set of storyboards and shot list for entire film turned in by deadline. Shot list follows example, and includes shots for entire film.
Big Opening Weekend

Complete set of storyboards for entire film turned in close to deadline. Shot list follows example, and includes shots for entire film.
Set of storyboards for majority of film turned in by deadline. Shot list follows example, and includes shots for majority of film.
Indy Buzz

Only storyboards OR shot list turned in.
Rotten Tomato

No storyboards. No shot list.
Director Notes

Box Office Gold

Shot composition is carefully crafted to the mood and purpose of each scene. Clever and creative shots and angles are used throughout the film. Visually interesting and memorable.
Big Opening Weekend

Shot composition is sometimes crafted to the mood and purpose of each scene. Clever and creative shots and angles are used for the majority of the film. Visually interesting and memorable for most of the film.
Indy Buzz

Some of Hitchcock's shots and angles are used, but more attention was paid to WHAT was shot than HOW it was shot.
Rotten Tomato

Little, if any, attention paid to shot composition. Shots and angles are not the same as Hitchcock's. Student's did their own thing, instead of learning how Hitchcock created movies.
Director Notes

Box Office Gold

Lighting is always suitable to the mood of the scene, and technically well done.
Big Opening Weekend

Lighting is frequently suitable to the mood of the scene, and the majority of it is technically well done.
Indy Buzz

Not much attention was paid to lighting, but the viewer can still see most of the action.
Rotten Tomato

Footage is too dark to be seen or overexposed for the majority of the film.
Director Notes

Box Office Gold

Dialogue sounds clear and crisp. Music and sound effects suit the cinematography, character, and mood.
Big Opening Weekend

The majority of dialogue sounds clear and crisp, with few audio problems. Music and sound effects suit the cinematography, character, and mood for the majority of the film.
Indy Buzz

Dialogue is overpowered by background noise or audio buzz. Music and sound effects are in the film because the team liked them, as opposed to helping tell the story.
Rotten Tomato

Dialogue is difficult to understand for the majority of the film. Little to no use of music or sound effects. Audio was not a priority in this film.
Director Notes

Box Office Gold

All costumes and props are suitable to character, time, and place. All props look real.
Big Opening Weekend

Most costumes and props are suitable to character, time, and place.
Most props look real.
Indy Buzz

Little attention was paid to planning costumes and props, but the end result isn't too bad. Some props are inappropriate, or look obviously fake.
Rotten Tomato

People showed up in clothes. No effort was put into re-creating what is in the Hitchcock film. That's it. Props are missing or poorly chosen.
Director Notes
Tech Specs

Box Office Gold

Completed film is the same length as the original film. Saved as film title. Saved to correct folder on class flash drive.
Big Opening Weekend

Completed film is slightly shorter or longer than original film.
Saved as film title. Saved to correct folder on class flash drive.
Indy Buzz

Completed film is significantly shorter or longer than the original. Not necessarily saved as film title. Saved to correct folder on class flash drive.
Rotten Tomato

Completed film does not follow the original movie at all. Not saved as film title. Not saved to correct folder on class flash drive.
Director Notes
Evidence of Hitchcock

Box Office Gold

Clear evidence of influence by Hitchcock. Themes, plot, character development, audio use, shot composition, or editing techniques reflect those of said director.
Big Opening Weekend

Some evidence of influence by Hitchcock. Themes, plot, character development, audio use, shot composition, or editing techniques occasionally reflect those of said director.
Indy Buzz

Flashes of influence are seen, but those seem accidental rather than deliberate.
Rotten Tomato

No clear influence of selected director is seen.
Director Notes

  • rubric, film, review, high school, audio, video, production, 11-12, media production

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