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iRubric: Portfolio 2 rubric

iRubric: Portfolio 2 rubric

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Portfolio 2 
Rubric for assessing the SST portfolio. This rubric is modeled from
Rubric Code: VBC96C
Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric SST Portfolio Rubric

100% Meets the Standard of Excellence

4.8 pts


91.6%Approaches the Standard of Excellence

4.4 pts


77%Clearly Meets the Acceptable Standard

3.7 pts

Beginning/no project

3 pts or less 66.7% max<BR>
Does Not Clearly Meet the Acceptable Standard

3 pts

Cover Page and Spine

Name and program(s) on the cover page and spine if applicable.
1. Student name<BR>
2. Digital Media Arts Portfolio<BR> (Other program names if applicable)
3. School Name<BR>
4. Year(s) of Attendance


<align-left>___Attractive, and simple with easy to read, consistent font. <BR>

___Includes all necessary components w/out mistakes.</align-left>

___Easy to read font & <BR>

___Includes all necessary components.
___May have minor flaw, which could be easily corrected.

___Legible - may be incomplete. <BR>

___Includes all or most necessary components.
Beginning/no project

___Page missing entirely, or is unattractive, illegible, incomplete, messy, fonts/typography shows lack of continuity.
Table of Contents (TOC)

Sections to be noted by colored paper or tab:<BR>
A. Business Letters/Letters of Introduction/Cover Letters<br>
B. Resume<br>
C. References<br>
D. Goal Setting<br>
E. Credentials<br>
F. Job or college application<br>
G. List of awards and/or activities<br>
H. Samples of exemplary work/pictures with descriptions <br>
I. Other materials as appropriate to discipline


___TOC is exceptional. Visually attractive & has ALL required sections & corresponding content in each section. <br>
___Sections are clearly organized and are noted by colored paper or tab.
___Typography is sensible, consistent and deliberate throughout the portfolio.

___TOC is attractive & has ALL required sections & corresponding content.<br>
___Sections are clearly organized and are noted by colored paper or tab.<br>
___Typography is consistent and deliberate throughout the portfolio.

___TOC includes all required sections & corresponding content.<BR>
___ Organization of content needs refinement.
___Sections are noted by colored paper or tab but are not clearly organized or consistent.<br>
___Typography is inconsistent throughout the portfolio. Fonts/sizes chosen are difficult to read.
Beginning/no project

___TOC is missing entirely or missing some sections of corresponding content.<BR>
___Content is disorganized. Needs substantial work to be acceptable.<br>
___Sections are not clearly noted by colored paper or tab.<br>
___Typography is inconsistent and not an appropriate design choice.
Artifact Selections (10-20 samples)

___10(minimum)-20(maximum) artifacts<BR>
___ 1 or more "progressive work" (start to finish)<BR>
___ 10-20 artifacts including one progressive work <BR>
Selections must demonstrate competencies obtained throughout the CTE program(s), CTSO(s) and other corresponding education/experiences.


___ALL artifacts (work samples) are clearly & directly related to student's progress.
___Artifacts show exceptional or creative choice. A wide variety (10-20) are chosen including one or more progressive artifacts<BR>
___Superior presentation of artifacts.

___MOST artifacts are related to student's work. <BR>
___Artifacts chosen show variety of learning samples (10-20). <BR>
___Segments of a progressive artifact are included.

___Some artifacts are related to showing student's work. <BR>
*Less than 10 artifacts (total). <BR>
___Some variety of artifacts are used.
Beginning/no project

___Artifacts are unrelated to the purpose of showing student's.<BR>
* 8 or less artifacts.<BR>
___Artifacts demonstrate similar skills/competencies and not a variety.<BR>
Presentation is poor and shows no design sense.
Artifact Captions & Pertinence

Caption & rationale.<BR>
Artifacts have concise caption & student's rationale for inclusion. <BR>
(6-9 work samples)<BR>
Main Content*<BR>
Title, date, & description as related to competencies is included.


___ALL artifacts have caption & student's rationale for inclusion in portfolio.<BR>
___Title, date, & description of work as related to competencies is included.
___ Exceptional display of skill sets.<BR>
___ Professional display of artifacts & writing.<BR>
____Contents reveal high level understanding of design and/or career concepts.

___MOST artifacts have caption and rationale for inclusion in portfolio.<BR>
___Title, date, & description of work as related to curriculum standard is included. <BR>
___ May have minor flaw to be easily corrected.<BR>
___Contents reveal good level of understanding of design and/or career concepts.

___SOME artifacts have caption & reason for inclusion in portfolio. <BR>
___Title, date, & description of work as it relates to curriculum standard has several minor flaws.<BR>
___Needs more detail.<BR>
___Contents reveal gaps in knowledge base, limited level of understanding of design and/or career concepts.
Beginning/no project

___Artifacts present but does not have captions and/or rationale for inclusion in portfolio. <BR>
___Artifacts present but captions or rationale are confusing, inadequate, or have many mistakes.<BR>
___Title, date, &/or description - absence or highly inaccurate.<BR>
___Contents reveal very limited OR no base knowledge of design and/or <BR>
career concepts.

Critical revealing of student's ability to relate ePortfolio process, dynamics, & final product to learning and career stages, opportunities, and tools to reach goals.


___ALL reflections clearly describe why artifacts demonstrate achievement of competencies and goals for continued learning. <BR>
___All reflections illustrate student's ability to effectively critique student's own work & provide constructive suggestions.

___MOST reflections describe why artifacts demonstrate achievement of each standard or goal & include goals for future learning. <BR>
___Most reflections illustrate student's ability to effectively critique own work & provide constructive suggestions.

___SOME reflections describe why artifacts demonstrate achievement of each standard or goal & include goals for future learning. <BR>
___Some reflections illustrate ability to effectively critique own work & provide constructive suggestions.
Beginning/no project

___Reflections do NOT describe why artifacts demonstrate achievement of each standard or goal & do not include goals for future learning. <BR>
___Reflections do NOT illustrate student's ability to effectively critique own work or provide constructive suggestions.
Layout & Text Elements

Visual organization of information using fonts, point size, bullets, italics, bold, & indentations for headings & sub-headings. <BR>
Layout: Use of Horizontal & vertical white space. <BR>
Additional influences with readability of text (Background, colors, patterns, etc.)


___Very easy to read w/ appropriate visual organization of all items. <BR>
___Viewer absorption of content exceptional due to student's ability to use text elements effectively.<BR>
___ Layout: ALL parts appropriate. <BR>
___Background, colors, and use of white space highly enhance readability of text throughout the portfolio.

___Generally easy to read w/ appropriate visual organization of info. <BR>
___ A few minor text element changes or different use of formatting tools would likely increase viewers' absorption of content.<BR>
___Layout: Appropriate in MOST parts. <BR>
___Background & colors enhance text readability in most places.

___Often difficult to read due to inappropriate visual organization of info. <BR>
___Some formatting tools or text elements are under- or over-utilized & decrease viewers' absorption of content. <BR>
___Layout uses horizontal & vertical white space inappropriately in SOME parts. <BR>
___Background & colors distracting in some places & decrease readability of text.
Beginning/no project

___Difficult to read due to inappropriate visual organization.
___ Many formatting tools are under- or over-utilized. <BR>
___Layout: Uses horizontal & vertical white space inappropriately; content appears cluttered/sparse. <BR>
___Background & colors distracting throughout with text, causing quick loss of interest.
Use of Multimedia

Photographs, graphics, sound/music, video, and more.


___ALL multimedia uses enhance reflective statements, create high interest, & are highly appropriate. <BR>
___ePortfolio may link to student's own appropriately designed webpage. (Asset for global job search/recognition.)

___MOST multimedia uses enhance reflective statements, create interest, & are appropriate.

___A few multimedia uses fail to enhance reflective statements, do not necessarily create viewer interest in positive ways, &/or are inappropriate.
Beginning/no project

___MOST OR all multimedia uses detract from reflective statements, inhibit interest, and/or are inappropriate.<BR>
___ May include distracting decorations which create a busy feeling & detract from content.
Ease of Navigation

ePortfolio links & connections.


___All ePortfolio navigation links & sections (standards, artifacts, and reflections) connect back to TOC & preceding pages. <BR>
___All external links to connecting websites work effectively without glitch.

___MOST ePortfolio navigation links & sections (standards, artifacts, & reflections) connect back to TOC & preceding pages.<BR>
___Most external links to connecting websites work w/out glitch.

___SOME ePortfolio navigation links & sections (standards, artifacts, & reflections) connect back to TOC, but in other places links do not connect to preceding pages.<BR>
___Some external links to connecting websites do not connect or could use more development.
Beginning/no project

___Significant problems w/ ePortfolio navigation links & many sections (standards, artifacts, & reflections) do not connect back to TOC or preceding pages.<BR>
___Many external links to connecting websites do not connect or are not included.
Writing Mechanics

* Writing labs may be available in some schools. Students are encouraged to seek out/use these resources to obtain objective feedback in literary & digital presentation prior to final submittance. <BR>
ePortfolios will NOT be graded if more than ___ days late.


___Writing demonstrates confident control of language usage & mechanics.<BR>
___Absence of errors.

___Writing demonstrates competent control of language usage & mechanics.<BR>
___Any minor errors do not reduce clarity or interrupt flow of writing.

___Writing demonstrates general control of language usage & mechanics. <BR>
___Errors may slightly reduce clarity or interrupt flow of writing.
Beginning/no project

___Writing demonstrates faltering control of language usage & mechanics. <BR>
___Errors reduce clarity & interrupt flow of writing.<BR>
___No writing included.

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