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iRubric: Mango Street Reader's Theatre Presentation rubric

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Mango Street Reader's Theatre Presentation 
Students incorporate creative components into a reader's theatre presentation of a selected chapter
Rubric Code: V76382
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Reader's Theatre Presentation
  Excellent 5


Proficient 4


Adequate 3


Limited 1-2



Excellent 5

A combination of appropriate and effective eye contact, clarity and projection of voice, tone and pace; gestures significantly enhanced the speaker's presentation.
Proficient 4

Moderately consistent use of eye contact, clarity and projection of voice, tone and pace; gestures usually enhanced the flow of the presentation, with few interruptions.
Adequate 3

Inconsistent use of eye contact, clarity and projection of voice, tone and pace; gestures were absent or interrupted the flow of the presentation.
Limited 1-2

Lack of eye contact, clarity and projection of voice, tone and pace; lack of or inappropriate gestures make the presentation difficult to follow.
Overall Presentation

Excellent 5

Student was always on task and presented their part on cue. Pacing effectively held the attention of the audience. Overall presentation was enthusiastic.
Proficient 4

Student was usually on task and presented their part on cue. Pacing held the attention of the audience fairly well. Overall presentation was generally enthusiastic.
Adequate 3

Student was somewhat on task and presented their part on cue. Pacing held the attention of the audience fairly well. Overall presentation was good.
Limited 1-2

Student was rarely on task and was not prepared to present. Pacing was ineffective. Overall presentation was dull.
Annotation of Text

Excellent 5

Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the use of literary devices and the effect that they create on the reader and audience, and the craft of telling a story.
Proficient 4

Demonstrates a proficient understanding of the use of literary devices and the effect that they create on the reader and audience, and the craft of telling a story.
Adequate 3

Demonstrates an adequate understanding of the use of literary devices and the effect that they create on the reader and audience, and the craft of telling a story.
Limited 1-2

Demonstrates a limited understanding of the use of literary devices and the effect that they create on the reader and audience, and the craft of telling a story.
Analysis of text

Excellent 5

Analysis is insightful. Student has made a personal and profound connection to the text. Student demonstrates an excellent understanding of tone, theme, motif, point of view and writer's voice.
Proficient 4

Analysis is thorough. Student has made a personal connection to the text. Student demonstrates a proficient understanding of tone, theme, motif, point of view and writer's voice.
Adequate 3

Analysis is adequate. Student has made some connection to the text. Student demonstrates an adequte understanding of tone, theme, motif, point of view and writer's voice.
Limited 1-2

Analysis is incomplete. Student has not made a connection to the text. Student demonstrates a limited understanding of tone, theme, motif, point of view and writer's voice.


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