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iRubric: Persuasive Letter rubric

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Persuasive Letter 
Persuasion is writing or speaking that tries to convince people to agree with a writer's perspective. Write a persuasive letter about something that really matters to you.
Rubric Code: V72XX3
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Persuasive Letter
Persuasion is writing or speaking that tries to convince people to agree with a writer's perspective. Write a persuasive letter about something that really matters to you.

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts


1 pts



The writing begins with a clear and concise statement of opinion. The body provides support for this statement by means of evidence and logic. The support is clearly and sensibly organized. The writing concludes with a call to action or a final thought. In a letter to an editor, the writer uses the correct and complete form for a business letter. Effective and varied transitions are used throughout.

The writing contains a clear statement of opinion. The body provides support for this statement by means of evidence and logic. the support is clearly organized. The writing concludes with a call to action or a final thought. In a letter to an editor, the writer uses the correct and complete form for a business letter. Transitions are used when necessary.

The writing contains a statement of opinion, and the body provides support for this statement with some evidene. The support is organized, but the organization may need improvement. the writing may not conclude with a acall to action or a final thought. In a letter to an editor, the writer uses an incomplete or incorrect form for a business letter. Some transitions are used, but more are needed.

The writing lacks any real organization, and it may also lack a statement of opinion. In a letter to an editor, the writer may use an incomplete or incorrect form for a business letter. Transitions may be used inconsistently or may be lacking.
Scientific Data


All three lines of evidence to support evolution, with examples, are present. The four parts of the theory of Natural Selection are explained using hypothetical examples from birds. Three pieces of evidence are given to support the shared ancestry of all finches. Plausible explanations offered for observed finch diversity.

All three lines of evidence to support evolution are present. The four parts of the theory of Natural Selection are explained using hypothetical examples from birds. Evidence is given to support the shared ancestry of all finches. Explanations offered to explain various finch species found presently.

One or more lines of evidence to support evolution is missing. Four parts of theory of Natural Selection offered, with vague or incorrect examples. Shared ancestry of finches unmentioned/unsupported.

One or more lines of evidence to support evolution is missing. Process of Natural Selection not clearly explained &/or lacking examples. Finch shared ancestry not mentioned.
Elements of Persuasion


The writer primarily supports the opinion with facts, statistics, examples, reasons, and persuasive language. The writer builds a strong case for the opinion, while maintaining a committed, reasonable tone.

The writer supports the opinion mainly through facts, examples, reasons. The writer builds a case for the opinion, while maintaining a reasonable tone.

The writer tries to support the opinion, but the evidence may e weak or hard to follow. More or stronger support is needed. The tone may be inconsistent.

The persuasive techniques may be limited, and the evidence may be undeveloped or hard to follow. More support is needed. The tone may be inconsistent or sarcastic, and the aruments may be illogical or inappropriate for the audience.

Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Spelling


There are few or no errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling. Word choice is appropriate for the audience and often particularly apt or powerful.

There are minor errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling. Word choice is appropriate for the audience.

There are numerous errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling. Word choice may be inappropriate for the audience.

Numerous errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling may hinder comprehension. Word choice is inappropriate for the audience.
Friendly Letter Format


The letter includes the five parts of a friendly letter; each part is punctuated correctly.

The letter includes the five parts of a friendly letter; there are a few punctuation errors.

The letter does not include all the parts of a friendly letter; there are punctuation errors.

The assignment is not written in letter form; there are puncutation errors.



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