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iRubric: Writing Assignments for Event Management rubric

iRubric: Writing Assignments for Event Management rubric

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Writing Assignments for Event Management 
This rubric is to be used when assessing INDIVIDUAL assignments for undergrad/diploma level students
Rubric Code: V6783A
Public Rubric
Subject: Business  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate, Graduate

Powered by iRubric Criterion

None/very little
Missing parts
Flawed rationale
Lacks logic

1 pts


Some attempts show progress
Logical in some parts
Rationale is accurate in some parts

2 pts


Most or All/Follows what was taught in class
Very little original thinking but classroom learning is applied with accuracy

3 pts


All/Above and Beyond/Original thinking

4 pts

Content & Development - thoroughnes

This refers to the the thoroughness of included information in the assignment as required by the outline.



- Content is incomplete.
- Major points are not clear and /or missing and/ or persuasive.

- Content is not comprehensive and /or persuasive.
- Some Major points are addressed, but not well supported.
- Research is inadequate or does not address course concepts.
- Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought.

- Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.
- Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.
- Research is adequate, timely and addresses course concepts.
- Content and purpose of the writing are clear.
Required Responses - Depth

This refers to how comprehensive the student(s) responses are to all questions.



Missing some answers to questions OR very little detail or original thinking shown.
Most information is flawed or incorrect.

Some questions are answered - but there are many areas lacking any depth of detail or showing thinking - responses do not show any original thinking or ideas and student does not follow process/information taught in class.

Some questions are answered - but there are areas lacking any depth of thinking - responses may not show original thinking or ideas and student sometimes follows process/information taught in class.

All questions are answered - in depth and thoughtful/reflective
- appliation of learning from within the classroom is expanded and uses some original thinking
Accuracy of answers

This refers to the five main questions



Assignment criteria is not mentioned or does not make sense based on the content of the outline and requirements of the assignment
Not done/included
Format difficult to uNot included or not a realistic choice understand

Ideas may work but not best choice
Format included but is flawed
Some errors or flaws in recommendation
- seems to be generic/not customized to demographic and group

Application of program learning
Answers show creativity and customization - recognizes outline/scenario and expands on requirements
Organization & Structure

This refers to the overall paper and how it "flows"



- Organization and structure detract from the message of the writer.
- Introduction and/or conclusion is missing.
- Paragraphs are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts.

- Structure of the paper is not easy to follow.
- Introduction is missing or, if provided, does not preview major points.
- Paragraph transitions need improvement.
- Conclusion is missing, or if provided, does not flow from the body of the paper.

- Structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow (layout and design)
- Introduction provides clear background on the topic and previews major points.
- Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow of thought throughout the paper.
- Conclusion is logical and flows from the body of the paper.
Format, grammar, punctuation

This refers to the overall professionalism and attention to details.



- Paper lacks many elements of correct formattting.
- Citations and references are not provided.
- Paper is inadequate/excessive in length.
- Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
- Language uses jargon or conversational tone.

- Paper follows most guidelines.
- Paper provides citations, but they are incorrectly prepared.
- Paper provides reference list, with some errors or omissions.
- Paper is over/ under word length.
Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.
- Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon or conversational tone.

- Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.
- Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.
Some application of terminology

- Paper follows designated guidelines.
- Citations and references are used appropriately.
- Paper is the appropriate length as described for the assignment.
Correct appliation of industry terminology through-out paper.
Language is consistent and strong through the paper
Overall Impression

This refers to the over-all "first impression" of the professionalism and quality of the assignment submitted


Appears to be
a lack of attention to detail, time spent. care/quality

Some errors but overall good effort shown

Attention to details shows and content reflects weight of assignment

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