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iRubric: Journal Entry Rubric- Antebellum Society

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Journal Entry Rubric- Antebellum Society 
This rubric details the grading of the student's journalling entries in their historical journal.

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  2 (Not Satisfactory)


4 (Proficient)


6 (Above Proficient)


8 (Advanced)


Historical Entry

2 (Not Satisfactory)

Details in the entry give little to no detail, do not relate to the texts that have been read, and reflect little understanding of the time period.
4 (Proficient)

Details in the entry give some information to the reader though they may not relate back to the the texts that were read they do reflect some understanding of the time period.
6 (Above Proficient)

Details in the entry give the reader important information. The information relates back to the texts that were read in and out of class and reflects an understanding of the time period.
8 (Advanced)

Details in the entry give the reader important information. The information relates back to the texts that were read in and out of class and reflects an understanding of the time period. The entry makes connections to other historical persons, events, or concepts.

2 (Not Satisfactory)

Little to none of the handwriting can be read and it is not understandable.
4 (Proficient)

Most of the handwriting can be read but with difficulty and is hard to understand.
6 (Above Proficient)

The handwriting is legible and can be read without hesitating; the entry is understandable.
8 (Advanced)

The handwriting is legible, easily read, and understandable.

2 (Not Satisfactory)

Organization of ideas is so fractured that it takes away from the content and makes it difficult for the reader to understand what has been written.
4 (Proficient)

Ideas are organized somewhat clearly, but the organization could be improved upon.
6 (Above Proficient)

Ideas are organized in a clear and meaningful way. They flow and properly represent the point-of-view of the concept/idea/character that is being journaled.
8 (Advanced)

Ideas are organized logically, clearly, and in a meaningful manner. The ideas flow in a consistent way from beginning to conclusion and accurately portray the beliefs, point-of-view, or concept being journaled, and the connection to other historical persons, events, or concepts is relevant and meaningful.
Word Choice and grammar

2 (Not Satisfactory)

Language used is dull and plain. It does not use voice and uses few adjectives. There are significant and numerous mistakes in grammar.
4 (Proficient)

Language used expresses voice, but does not use many descriptive words and there are numerous errors in grammar.
6 (Above Proficient)

The language used expresses voice and uses descriptive words which paint pictures in the readers mind, very few grammar errors.
8 (Advanced)

The language used expresses voice, uses highly descriptive, relevant, and meaningful words which paint highly compelling pictures in the readers mind. Perfect grammar or no more than one grammar error.



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