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iRubric: Math Rubric for Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers

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Math Rubric for Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers 
Rubric Code: V24A86C
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Public Rubric
Subject: Math  
Type: Handout  
Grade Levels: K-5, 6-8

Powered by iRubric Fractions 5.NF.1
  Well Below (WB)

1 pts

Developing Proficiency (DP)

2 pts

Most Proficient (MP)

3 pts

Most Excellent (ME)

4 pts


Well Below (WB)

Attempts, but demonstrates no understanding through the expression of numbers or illustration of the problem.
Developing Proficiency (DP)

Minimal understanding of the problem. Partially shows work through number sense and/or partially illustrates how to answer the problem.
Most Proficient (MP)

Developed understanding of the problem. Shows work through number sense or completely illustrate how to answer the problem.
Most Excellent (ME)

Complete understanding of the problem. Shows work and illustrates how to answer the problem.

Well Below (WB)

Computation shows no evidence of evaluating and illustrating mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Developing Proficiency (DP)

Includes basic computations;60% to 74% correct answers. Basic evidence of evaluating and illustrating mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Most Proficient (MP)

Includes basic computations;75% to 89% correct answers. Basic evidence of evaluating and illustrating mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Most Excellent (ME)

Shows correct computation. 90% to 100% correct answers. Proficient evidence of evaluating and illustrating mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Approach to Problem

Well Below (WB)

Unable to generate any strategies to solve the problem.
Developing Proficiency (DP)

Beginning to develop a strategy attempts the problem., but fails to complete the problem.
Most Proficient (MP)

Developed a strategy to solve but the answer is incorrect.
Most Excellent (ME)

Shows a strategy to solve the problem. Solves the problem. Answer is correct.

Well Below (WB)

Lacks organization and is not neat.
Developing Proficiency (DP)

Work is somewhat organized and fairly neat.
Most Proficient (MP)

Work is clearly organized and neat but done in ink or marker.
Most Excellent (ME)

Work is clearly organized, neat.

  • Fractions


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