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iRubric: Immigration rubric

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Rubric Code: V24A55C
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Public Rubric
Subject: History  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Immigration
  Level 5

5 pts

Level 4

4 pts

Level 3

3 pts

Level 2

2 pts

Level 1

0 pts


Students can identify reasons why people came to the United States throughout history.

Level 5

The student was able to show exemplary work and the necessary requirements in identifying reasons people came to the United States throughout history.
Level 4

The student met the mandatory amount of information needed in identifying reasons people came to the United States throughout history.
Level 3

Student missed one piece of information needed in identifying reasons people came to the United States throughout history.
Level 2

Student showed very minimal effort in identifying reasons people came to the United States throughout history.
Level 1

Not Completed

Student did not complete assignment.

Students can discuss the importance of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty to immigration from 1892-1954

Level 5

The student was able to show exemplary work and the necessary requirement's to discuss the importance of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty to Immigration from 1892-1954.
Level 4

The student met the mandatory amount of information needed to discuss the importance of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty to Immigration from 1892-1954.
Level 3

Student missed one piece of information needed to discuss the importance of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty to Immigration from 1892-1954.
Level 2

Student showed very minimal effort to discuss the importance of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty to Immigration from 1892-1954.
Level 1

Not Completed

Student did not complete assignment.

Students can discuss why immigration continues today.

Level 5

The student was able to show exemplary work and the necessary requirement's to discuss immigration and the impacts of it is continuing today.
Level 4

The student met the mandatory amount of information needed to discuss immigration and the impacts of it is continuing today.
Level 3

Student missed one piece of information needed to discuss immigration and the impacts of it is continuing today.
Level 2

Student showed very minimal effort to discuss immigration and the impacts of it is continuing today.
Level 1

Not Completed

Student did not complete assignment.

Students can identify terms and designations of time sequence.

Level 5

The student was able to show exemplary work and the necessary requirement's to show their understanding of time sequence of how immigration took place.
Level 4

The student met the mandatory amount of information needed to show their understanding of time sequence of how immigration took place.
Level 3

Student missed one piece of information needed to show their understanding of time sequence of how immigration took place.
Level 2

Student showed very minimal effort to present their message to show their understanding of time sequence of how immigration took place.
Level 1

Not Completed

Student did not complete assignment.

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